Chapter Eighty *3rd POV*

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      Frankie sat on the bed, her eyes watching the door, as her mind zoned out. She jumped when Dean sat up with a gasp, and she could see from the look in his tired eyes, that her older brother had a nightmare.

"You alright?" She asked, looking over at her brother.

"Fine." He murmured, before standing from the bed and walking out of the room.

      While Dean was away, Frankie changed into day clothes and headed downstairs. Moments later, Dean met them downstairs and sat down at the table with a beer.

"I've found Lilith. She's in New Harmony, Indiana. She's the one that runs all of the deals." Bobby stated, and Frankie nodded in agreement.

"We'll attack her when she's least expecting it. This will be our only chance." Frankie commented, as the guys nodded in agreement.

"We don't need to attack unprepared." Dean stated, as he sipped his beer.

"Ruby; she'd be able to prepare us for the attack." Sam replied, but Dean shook his head.

"Absolutely not. We are not working with a demon." Dean retorted, standing from his seat and finishing his beer.

        Dean decided it was time to leave, so he and Sam climbed into the Impala, as Frankie went to her car, and Bobby climbs into his. Dean led the drive to New Harmony, but when he was pulled over, Frankie continued on as Bobby waited for her brothers. Frankie refused to allow Lilith to try and escape before she and her brothers were able to get her.

The siblings went to a hotel and tried to figure out a way to expel Lilith from the little girl, as well as kill Lilith to save Dean. While Sam went out to do "research," Dean laid in bed processing everything going on around him. As the hours grew shorter, Dean began to imagine his brother and sister's faces as demons randomly, but it stopped when he seen Lilith. He was able to see her real demon face, which was absolutely hideous. He wondered if he had some special ability now, but even if he didn't, he was going to use it to his advantage while he had it.

       When they arrived at the house Lilith was inhabiting, they were surprised to see Lilith was possessing a little girl. She was pretending to be the family's daughter. Apparently, she killed the family dog when he was being "mean" to her, and she later snapped the grandfather's neck after he tried seeking help from the neighbors.

"I'm going to make some holy water." Bobby murmured, before he disappeared.

      As Bobby was blessing a waterline, Dean, Sam, and Frankie began to go around and take out some of the demons that inhabited the neighborhood. Ruby came out of nowhere and confronted them, but was stopped by a horde of demons surrounding them. The siblings and Ruby run into the house, as Bobby sets off the sprinklers, which make a barricade of holy water from the horde of demons.

      The little girl's father stared at them with fear in his eyes, but Frankie could tell it was because of the demon possessing his daughter. Dean and Frankie began to try and bring the husband down to the basement, but he kept fighting them.

"I can't leave my wife. She has my wife. That's not my little girl." He cried, wanting to protect the love of his life.

"I know, but we'll save her. Don't worry." Frankie replied, and soon they were able to get the man down to the basement.

       Sam and Ruby had run upstairs to find Lilith, as Dean and Frankie tried to protect the husband. Once the husband was safe, Dean and Frankie headed upstairs. Sam found Lilith and the mother, and the mother stared at Sam with fear. She was terrified of Lilith, and she wanted to be rid of her. Dean and Frankie ran into the room, and Dean stopped Sam before he could hurt the little girl.

"That's not her anymore. Lilith is gone." Dean said, waking the little girl up.

     The little girl screamed and buried herself in her mother's side, as the mother wrapped her arms around her and held her close. The mother was thankful that the demon was no longer possessing her daughter. Dean, Sam, and Frankie went back downstairs to find Ruby, after they bring the mother and daughter to the basement.

"You have to help us, Ruby. Teach me to use them." Sam begged, but Ruby shook her head.

"It's too late, Sam. I'm sorry." She replied, giving Sam a sad look.

     As the clock struck midnight, Dean began to accept his fate, and Frankie's stomach began to fill with dread. In the distance, hellhounds could be heard barking. Dean, Sam, Ruby, and Frankie ran and barricaded themselves in the dining room of the house. Dean looks over at Ruby and his eyes widened when he realized Lilith took over Ruby's host.

"You're not Ruby." He said, causing the woman to smirk.

"No, I'm not. I'm Lilith. I sent Ruby far, far away. Nice to meet you, Dean." Lilith replied, before she used telekinesis to pins the siblings to the walls.

        With a quick swipe of her hand, Lilith let the hellhounds into the room. Lilith held Sam and Frankie to the wall, as the hellhounds pounced on Dean and began to rip him to shreds.

"No!" Sam yelled, as he watched his brother die.

"Dean!" Frankie cried, blood hitting her face from one of Dean's wounds.

       Once Dean was dead, Lilith left and so did the hellhounds. Sam and Frankie were able to move from their spots on the wall, so they quickly ran over to their brother. Frankie fell to her knees next to him and wrapped her arms around her brother, crying harder as she stared at his eyes that were still open. Sam closed Dean's eyes, while Frankie buried her face in Dean's unmoving chest. Her brother was gone and she had to watch it all happen. Her world was falling apart in front of her, and she couldn't hold herself together...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what it sad? This one was a little rushed, but I wanted to make sure all of the episode was in the chapter.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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