I shrugged it off when I was greeted with a hug by no other than Harry. I smiled and hugged him back. Every moment spent with him was fun; he was an amazing person. Butterflies erupted in my stomach when he whispered in my ear:"I'm so glad you're here."

I saw Niall walk in the room and become a bit reserved at the sight of me and Harry. I broke apart from our hug and walked over to Niall. He looked straight into my green eyes as I stared into his blue ones. He gave me a bright smile. I then realized how weird this must look; two friends staring at each other smiling like idiots.

I ruffled his blond hair and he jumped away from me.

"Hey hey! Don't touch the hair!" He said emphasizing the word 'the' and snapping his fingers in front of my face. This made me laugh;he used to say that when we were kids and whenever I would touch his hair.

"I'm gonna go talk to Liam!" I informed him and Harry and walked away. I was fully aware that Harry had been watching me and Niall the entire time.

Liam is so easy to talk to; I really feel like I can talk to him about anything.

Jessie then ran over to us with a huge smile on her face. I looked at her questionably.

"Omg Nate asked me to be his girlfriend!" She screamed.

I squealed and took her hands in mine. We screamed and jumped up and down like little kids.

"I'm so happy for you!" I squealed. It's like I forgot how to talk normally without screaming.

"Congratulations Jess. You two make a great couple." Liam said and gave her a hug.

I decided to go and find Louis. I was feeling a bit tired and he always radiated energy to everyone around him. I found him in the living room with Zayn, Nate, Niall and Harry.

"Congrats bro. She's a keeper." Zayn said to Nate which imediately let me that Nate had just told them about him and Jess. It's so adorable how he is as excited about it as Jessie is.

"Just like the one over here is." Harry smiled and pointed at me. I blushed and bit my lip. Did he really just say that? He's perfect.

"Hey uhm Vicky I want to show you something." Niall piped in and dragged me to to kitchen by my hand.

"Okay?" I said. What was so urgent that he had to get me away from Harry?

Niall opened the fridge and looked for something.

"So which one do you prefer, apples or oranges?" He asked me and pointed at the fruit.

"Niall you know that I like oranges more, what's gotten into you?" I asked.

"Oh that's right. I remember that you like oranges more but you just can't peel them. That's why I always peeled oranges for you when we were younger." He said.

I nodded. He was obviously trying to make conversation with me. Why is he being so awkward? We have never been awkward around each other before.

I walked out of the kitchen trying to ditch Niall but he just followed hot in my tail. At that moment he was a bit annoying to be honest.

"Hey Vic it's getting late so we decided to put on our pajamas and just chill. Does that sound cool?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah sure." I answered and then realized that I can't get my shirt off without someone's help because it has buttons in the back that need to be opened and I can't reach them on my own. Jessie was nowhere to be seen so I grabbed Niall.

"I can't get this shirt off by myself so you're gonna have to help me." I said to him.

"How come Niall gets to help you get undressed and I don't?" Harry asked with a fake hurt expression on his face.

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