CHAPTER 35: Frankie

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I can't lie. I'm feeling a bit nervous about all of this. My stomach is even turning a bit but at the same time I feel that this also is the start of a new chapter for me.

Once we pulled up in front of an abandoned building that looked to be a four floored building of what used to be an apartment complex.

There seemed to not be a lot of life around here or anyone for that matter and made me think maybe we were being set up or something. Then again, this is my first time doing something like this.

Raiden took my hand as we got out and we all began walking towards the front door where outside stood two big guys guarding the door.

"We're here for the meeting with Giovanni." Raiden tells them.

They nodded their heads and opened the door up and another guy inside approached us and started taking us to the room Giovanni was at supposedly.

Looking around, I could tell that this place has not been taken care of for some time with the floors creaking with each step from how old the flooring was along with the dust and cobwebs everywhere. You would swear this place was destined to be demolished at any moment.

We stopped in front of a heavy door that looked to be the only thing cleaned around this place and as soon as it was opened and we walked inside, it was the only place in here that was the cleanest and didn't make you feel like you needed a shot.

"Come in." Giovanni greets us as he lets out a big ring of smoke from his cigar and then looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Ah, had to bring your girlfriend with you? Are you so afraid of me that you need her here to try and protect you?" He teases Raiden.

"We both know why I'm here." Raiden began to say.

"And I see you brought some old friends." He states as he takes one last long drag from his cigar then as he lets the smoke out he puts the cigar out in an ashtray while he looks at Uncle Frank and everyone.

"I know everything about what you did to my father and to many others. Especially the guy that was supposed to come and hurt me." I tell him.

"Aw. Don't need to thank me darlin'. And as far as hurting you he would have done much worse. So if anything, you should be happy." He tells me.

"I don't condone any of your bullshit and sick twisted games. You killed my father and tried to kill Raiden." I tell him.

"Smart girl." He smirks. "But you see, your father, there was so much about him that you never knew. He was far from being a saint. Not to mention that towards the end, in his final two years of his pathetic little life, he fucked up. He fucked up when he tried to get out of this life knowing damn well that wasn't going to happen. Especially not when he owed me so much money." He explains.

"Money?" I asked. "You didn't kill him for just money just like you didn't kill this last guy for just money. You wanted to wipe out all the ones you are threatened by. But something I don't understand is why you want to hurt me?" I asked.

"It's nothing personal against you. Like I said, your father OWED me and you're right, it wasn't all about money. It was about getting justice for what he took away from me." He says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raiden asks him.

"Not that it's really any of your guys' business but since it really doesn't matter now anyways, then I guess I can tell you. Your father and I went way back..." Giovanni began to explain.

"Please...." I heard Uncle Frank chime in from behind me.

"Come on now, Frank. You were there. You were part of it." Giovanni glares at him.

"Okay this has gone far enough, I can't do this." Uncle Frank says.

I look at him confused as well as Raiden. Then I hear Raiden say something under his breath.

"Shit." Raiden says and then next thing I see, as if it was in slow motion like it is in the movies, everybody started pulling out their guns and pointing it at each other.

"I'm so sorry." Uncle Frank looks at me with so much pity. "Your father and I fucked up one night. We got drunk and..." He struggled to say. Then Giovanni interrupted him while cocking his gun.

"And you assholes killed my fucking sister!" He says.

"It was an accident!" Uncle Frank snaps back at him. "Your sister was already gone before we ever arrived. We never would have gotten her to the hospital on time." He tells him.

"Bullshit! You motherfuckers fucking gave her those drugs and let her in that bar.. You both were the reason she overdosed and the worst part is that she trusted you." Giovanni says.

"That's not true and you know it." Uncle Frank says.

"Eye for an eye, right Frank?" Giovanni says.

Next he shakes his head and then fires his gun right at the middle of Uncle Frank's head then that's when all hell broke loose and gunfire started going off all over.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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