Suprise/Business Trip to Kyoto/Hero Faction

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Asia-*yawns* "that was boring as hell"
Bikou-"I know right? People say that he was one of the strongest devils in rating games, but his powers are trash!"
Issei-"I can help but agree, let's hope Sairaorg will provide us with more entertainment next week"

Issei clapped his hands twice, the star destroyer beamed them up and flew back towards the castle
After they got back home, a clone trooper came up to Issei and hands him a written letter with a youkai stamp on it
Trooper-"sir, a messenger from the youkai faction delivered the letter this afternoon. They wish for an audience with you"
Issei-"ok, thank you."
He saluted to me before marching away

He opened up the envelope, it contains a map of Kyoto and a letter
"Hoh? The leader of the youkai faction, Yasaka herself sent me a written letter requesting an audience with me? It would be rude of me not showing up"
He turns to Vali and Kuroka
"Vali, Kuroka, wear some formal cloths tomorrow, we are going to Kyoto"

Right when Issei steps foot into the castle, a maid rushed up to him
"Master! Please come with me, it's urgent!"
Issei-"Alright, lead the way"
He followed the maid to Artoria's room, the maid knocked on the door
Artoria-"come in"

Issei-"What happened darling? The maid told me it was urgent"
Artoria-"w-well you see......."
She blushed a bit
"I'm pregnant"

Issei had a look of absolute shock on his face
Artoria-"I know, it shocking right? Who knew it would be so soon?"
She lowered her head to prepare for what's to come
"Stay home 24/7, only eat healthy meals, and you are not allowed to attend to any kind of battles, rating games included"

Issei-"what? Did you expect me to ditch you after finding out you are pregnant or something?"
She waved her hands up and down in panic
"Nono! Of course not!"
Issei gave her a warm hug
"I made a promise to you and Sera-chan, didn't I? We would be together until- no, even after the end of time"

Artoria shed some tears of joy
"Yes, we will"
That night, they fell asleep in eachother's embrace

The next morning, Issei woke up early. He told the maids to prepare the most healthy and delicious meals for Salter they could.
Issei then barged into Vali's room
"Vali, its time to wake up- oh my~"
He saw Vali and Kuroka sleeping in each other's embrace. The room was still filled with the smell of sex
"Well someone had fun last night~"

He took out a whistle from his pocket and blew it

Vali and Kuroka both screamed and struggled to find covers for themselves

Kuroka-"NYAAAAAAAA! Issei, how could you barge in like that nya!"
Issei-"Well I'm sorry for interrupting you two, but we have an important business trip today. Dress up and meet up outside the castle"
He stepped outside and slammed the door

Vali and Kuroka stared at each other for a moment and blushed
Vali-"w-we better get dressed"
Kuroka-"I agree nya..."

After the duo got dressed, they come outside to see Issei sunbathing
"Took you guys long enough"

He got up and snapped his fingers, he is now wearing a tuxedo
Issei-"Come on, we need to go now"
The trio arrived at a warehouse, Issei pressed some buttons. The door opened, revealing a modern personal jet
"Since we are going to one of the most populated cities in Japan, we need to be less noticeable. Get in the jet, I will be flying it"

20 minutes in the flight, Issei was getting bored so he decided to play around for a bit
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to experience some strong currents, please tighten your seatbelt and I am sorry for the inconvenience"

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