The Battle of True Kings Part 1

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Issei-*yawns* "that was a bore"
He turned to Kuroka and Vali
"We are leaving. We are fighting one of the 'strongest' devils afterall"
Kuroka and Vali chuckled

Yasaka-"Correct me if I'm wrong but, you are fighting Sairaorg Bael tomorrow right?"
Issei-"what of it?"
Yasaka-"I could tell you the secret behind his strength if you accept the al-"
Issei-"sorry but I'm not interested. Besides, I don't need to know the secret of his strength to kick his sorry a*s"
Issei looked out the window with menace and laughed a bit
"How ridiculous it is, a devil without a drip of mana flowing in their veins wish to become a devil king! Either he's got some serious issues or just simply delusional"

Fun fact: Issei's personality in this story's a mix of Frieza and Goku
I got the idea of Issei's sadistic personality from a Frieza, and the willingness to help those who are dear to him from Goku

Yasaka-"I suggest you to not underestimate Mr. Bael, he is stronger than you think"
Issei-"hah, that's a good one"
He ignored Yasaka's warnings and walked out of the temple

The next day.......
Host-"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! The moment you have all been waiting for is finally here!!!!"
The screen showed a picture of Issei and another picture of Sairaorg, the crowd cheered

In the waiting room at the east side of the stadium, Sairaorg's peerage members are trembling with fear
Kushia Abbadon-"c-come on everyone, they couldn't be THAT scary"
Regulus (pawn)-"forgive my rudeness, Ms. Abbadon, but we are talking about a peerage who defeated the Norse god Loki in mere 5 minutes"
Gandoma Balam (rook)-"and the ex-SSS rank stray devil Kuroka is in that peerage as well. One of my siblings faced her once and almost lost his life!"
This statement brought even more fear into the hearts of Bael's peerage

Sairaorg-"ENOUGH! So what if they defeated Loki? We are going to prevail in this rating game just like the ones in the past. If you are that afraid of them, you can walk out now"
All of them stayed in their place

Host-"May the kings come up to the stage please!"
Issei/Sairaorg-"It is time"

The two kings walks onto the stage, the host then explained the rules of the game just like normal. This rating game will be held in the form of dice, where the king roll dices to determine what pieces and how many members can attend a match, and if the king loses in even one match, the team loses. It consists of a total of 4 rounds, however, the last round will be canceled if one team wins three rounds in a row

The first match is between Arthur and Xenovia of Team Issei
Liban Crocell and Beruka Furcas of Team Sairaorg

The first match is between Arthur and Xenovia of Team Issei and Liban Crocell and Beruka Furcas of Team Sairaorg

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