The Heist

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Issei is in his office, finding information on a certain sacred gear on his hologram computer
"Aha, here it is! IRIS, get me some info on the Forbidden Balor's View!"

Forbidden Balor's View
Ability: time freeze
Limit: can only stop time in the user's field of vision
Current holder: Gasper Vladi"

Issei-"and who is that?"
IRIS pulls up a picture of Gasper with a satellite camera
"Gasper Vladi, a half-breed vampire. Currently.........a bishop of Rias Gremory"
IRIS then pulls up videos of all the times Gasper accidentally used his sacred gear

Issei-"sigh, what a waste of high class sacred gear. If I could somehow obtain this.........."
He remembered something
"IRIS, do you still have the DNA of the US veteran?"
Issei-"perfect, make 3 clones"

Adree the clones were made, Issei replaced most of their body parts with nanobot cybernetics. They are not nearly as strong as Xenovia, but still stronger than a middle class devil
Issei-"IRIS, tell Xenovia to meet me at the living room at 8 pm, I got a job for her"

3 hours later.......
Xenovia is currently in her own training room working out, trying to increase the maximum number of boosts and divides she could take
IRIS-"Ms. Quarta, the young master wants you to meet him at the living room immediately"
Xenovia p-"okay, I'm going now"
She took a quick shower and walked to the living room

When she entered, Issei was sitting on the couch
"Ah, Xenovia! How is the new life going for you?"
Xenovia-"pretty well actually. I need time to adjust to living in luxury after all"
Issei-"Haha, I can relate. Anyways, let's move on to the reason why I called you here"

He pulls up an image of Gasper
"This cross dressing boy, I want you to bring him back here. He has a sacred gear that he is not worthy of having."
Xenovia-"I think he's one of that Gremory bitch's peerage member, are we really goin got mess with them? And plus the place is probably heavily guarded"
Issei- *laughs a bit* "dont worry about that, I have my own ways of covering things up. And about the heavily guarded part......."
He clapped his hands twice, the three cyborg soldiers walked into the room
"You and these 3 soldiers will form an armored squadron to infiltrate the building together. I will debrief the mission on the ship."
Issei-"and also, these three will be your subordinates from now on, treat them well"
Issei-"you three, obey her each and every command, got it?"
The 3 soldiers-"yes sir!"

Xenovia and Issei walked to the front door
Issei-"Sera, Altoria, I'm going out for a bit. Be back after a few hours!"

On the cruiser class star destroyer........
Xenovia is now in a flexible metal suit, revealing only her arms, she also wore a mask that covers her nose and mouth, and an eyepatch that covers her cybernetic eyes. The soldiers are also in metal suits
Issei pulled up a hologram screen
"The target's location is Kuoh Academy, the territory of the Gremory household. Gran the target and jump back on the ship, try not to kill anyone, understood"
Xenovia/3 soldiers-"yes, sir!"
At this moment, the red light in the ship turned green, the back door opened
Xenovia and the 3 soldiers walked up to the entrance and jumped

The three soldiers activated the boosters on their legs right before they hit the ground to safely land
Xenovia turned her feet into jet boosters right before she hits the ground, did two backflips and landed

Xenovia-"alpha, beta, omega, you three take care of the others in the area. I will grab the boy"
The three nodded and proceeds to run to the academy with superhuman speed

Xenovia-"I hope they will at least put up a fight!"
She jumped in mid air and flew off

In the ORC.........
Rias and her peerage were having their dinner.
Before you ask, yes, they actually live in the ORC room.
Suddenly, Akeno stood up from her seat
"Ara ara, looks like we have uninvited guests"
Kiba-"who could it be? Can't be the fallen angels, could it?"

Rias-"Akeno, Kiba, you two go check it out. Gasper will stay here with me
They nodded and ran out of the room

The 4 intruders have landed at the school field, with Xenovia taking the front
They were greeted by Akeno and Kiba

Akeno-"May I know why have you come to the academy this late?
Kiba-"I advice you to go back to where you came from, or else"
Xenovia sneered
"Ha! Or else what?"

Kiba-"or else we are going to use force"

Xenovia-"impudent little brat!"
Before Kiba even noticed, he was kicked into the wall across the field by Xenovia

Akeno-"Kiba! Grrrrr, how dare y-"
Before she could intervene with Xenovia, she was blocked off by the three soldiers
"Get out of my way!"
She launched several thunder spells towards the, only for them to be blocked off by energy shields
"What the-"
The soldiers turned their cybernetic arms into light cannons and aimed them at Akeno
She spread her wings to dodge them
"Since when could technology rival magic? GAH!"
She got hit by a light ray and fell to the ground. One of the soldiers injected her with a tranquilizer and knocked her out

With Xenovia and Kiba........
Kiba is struggling to keep up with Xenovia's speed and power, on top of that he felt his strength leaving him every time her right arm glows
Mechanical voice-"explosion"

A red colored energy beam was launched towards Kiba
He barely dodged it, but the energy beam still grazed his right leg
Xenovia launched herself towards him and turned her right leg into a vibrating blade
"Rest in pieces!"
She did a round-house-blade-kick, the blade cut Kiba's shoulder but his arms are not decapitated
Kiba-"j-just who are you people?"
Xenovia says as she turns her leg back to normal
"Sorry but I cannot tell you that"
She kicked Kiba's face, knocking him out

After Rias' strongest pieces were taken care of, they proceeded to the ORC room

When they opened the door, Rias was in the corner with Gasper, aiming an orb of Power of Destruction at them

Xenovia chuckles
"You don't need to know about that, hand over that boy and we will spare your life"
Rias-"in your dreams  ru!"

Xenovia-"sigh, very well"
Xenovia took her eyepatch off, the world around her is now in slow motion
Yes, the cybernetic eye that Issei gave her has the ability to alter Xenovia's perception of time
She turned her perception of time to the slowest she could go, grabbed Gasper and returned to her original spot, and put her eyepatch back on

Xenovia-"we will be taking our leave now"
She blasted both of Rias' legs and jumped out of the window
The three soldiers followed her

As soon as Xenovia arrived at the front gate of the school, the star destroyer beamed her and the three soldiers up

Issei-"I assume everything turned out well?"
Xenovia lifted Gasper up
"Yes, we secured the package"

Gasper-"w-w-who are you?"
Issei-"no one you should be worried about"
He grabbed Gasper's face and extracted the sacred gear
Issei's eyes glowed red
"Yes! Yes! It's finally mine!"
He noticed everyone else is still here
"Ahem, right."
He replaced Gasper's original sacred gear with another similar sacred gear named "Chrono Stasis"
It's ability is slowing down time instead of stopping it
After his sacred gear is replaced, he beamed Gasper down again

Gasper-"what just happened?"

In the next episode of Highschool DxD: Sacred Gear Plunderer.........

Sirzechs-"this year's high class devil examination is near, I suggest you all to be ready"

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