The Almighty One/Timeskip

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Sairaorg almost collapses but manages to stand
He glares at Issei

Issei-*sarcastically* "oh I beg of you.....please don't hurt the little old me!"
Sairaorg started to walk towards Issei
He nods at regulus
Issei-"what is he trying to pull here?"

A golden glow covers Sairaorg
"My lion! King of Nemea! You, who has been called King of Lions! Answer my howl and turn into my armor!"
Sairaorg/Regulus-"BALANCE BREAK!"
Issei-"oh no you don't!"
He put more demonic powers into Enkidu but Regulus still escaped from its restraint

Sairaorg and the Nemean lion merged together and caused a huge explosion. When the smoke cleared, Sairaorg is covered in a set of golden armor

 When the smoke cleared, Sairaorg is covered in a set of golden armor

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Issei looked at Sairaorg then started to laugh maniacally
Sairaorg-"what's so funny, Hyoudou?"
Issei-"can you imagine? A devil with no magic managed to get this far?"

He spread his arms out
"Some individuals think effort can beat raw talent, but that simply isn't true. No matter how hard you try, Sairaorg, you will never beat me"
Sairaorg gets into his battle stance


Issei-"you pathetic lowly mortal"
He floats up to the air, a black and purple aura covers him completely
"Show your reverence and bow down.........."
The whole city, no the entire world is shaking
"Before my splendor.
All Sacred Gears: BALANCE BREAKER"

A huge pillar of black and violet aura rises towards the sky


After 5 seconds, the pillar of aura starts to fade

Issei-"my form is greed"
and my form is the world"
The layer of energy surrounding him starts to fade

Issei-"Worship me, give praise unto me.
Me, the beautiful, the sublime.
Me, the invincible, the almighty and divine."

All hail ALL FOR ONE"

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All hail ALL FOR ONE"


Issei-"I can feel it........endless power is flowing throughout my body!"
He released his magic power, the ground started to shake
Sairaorg-"This kind of power is simply..........absurd"

Azazel-"I can't believe he actually did it"
Azazel-"simple, he set all of his offense and healing based sacred gears into balance breaker"
The crowd looked at Issei in shock
"But I have no idea if his body can handle that amount of stress"

Ddraig-"partner, your body can not withstand this kind of power yet!"
Issei-"how much longer, ddraig?"
Ddraig-"I'd say........twenty minutes"
Issei-"then thats all the time I will ever need!"

He activated the rocket boosters in his back and legs to propel himself towards Sairaorg
"Prepare yourself, worm!"
Their fists clash

But Issei's power is too much for Sairaorg to handle, his armor cracked
Issei punched Sairaorg in the stomach, knocking him back. A condensed black orb of electricity appeared on his left index finger
A large beam of black lightning was fired towards Sairaorg. He had no time to dodge, the only choice he has right now is to take the attack head on
Sairaorg-"HAAAAAAAAAAA! I......can't........fall.......yet! GAH!"

The magic attack eventually overwhelms him and engulfs him whole, causing the entire battleground to explode.
Issei makes a barrier to protect him and his peerage from the destruction

After the smoke cleared, Sairaorg is still standing. His armor started to have cracks on its center
Issei-"Hou? You managed to stand even though you took my attack head on?"
Sairaorg-"I....still need to....become a devil king"
Issei-"so that you could prove to your family your pathetic life is actually worth something? How bland"
He raised his right hand, a colossal sphere of purple demonic energy gathered on top of it
"Feel honored, at least I will finish you off with finesse"

Rias-"That power..........THAT THE POWER OF DESTRUCTION!"

The sphere of demonic energy gets bigger and bigger
Issei-"after months of research, I was finally be able to replicate the power of destruction. All I needed was the DNA of that Gremory girl and a couple of brilliant scientists"
"Extinguished Star"
Issei throws the giant sphere of destruction towards Sairaorg. Right before it hits Sairaorg, he was forcibly teleported out of the battlefield to prevent his death

Issei deactivates his form and falls to his knees
"*pant* *pant* this form is quite draining"
Vali-"that move was quite reckless, Issei"
Kuroka-"you must stay healthy! You have a child to take care of afterall!"
Issei-"*chuckles* you are right"
They helped Issei up and went home

9 months later.........
Nurse-"congratulations, it's a healthy girl!"
The nurse hands the baby to Artoria, Issei hugged her
Artoria-"so......what should we name her"
Issei thinks for a moment
"Chloe.........Chloe Pendragon von Einzbern"

Issei-"wait a minute, why is her skin tanned?"
Sebastian (in Issei's mind) "i might've had something to do with that"
Issei-"sigh, what did you do Sebastian?"
Sebastian-"I always regretted not having any descendents before I was sealed by God, so I transferred some of my energy into Artoria's womb every time you..........mated"
Issei-*fscepalms* "why am I not suprised?"

Kuroka snatched Chloe from their arms
She rubbed her cheeks against Chloe
Kuroka-*anime cry* "why is she crying? Does she not like me?!"
Issei htook Chloe from Kuroka and gives her back to Artoria
"She's only a baby, Kuroka. She will open up to you eventually"

8 years timeskip..........

Artoria/Issei/Kuroka-"Chloe!"They got into a family hugKuroka-"I missed you so much!"She rubbed her cheeks against ChloeChloe-"ahahaha, stop it Kuroka onee-san, it tickles!"

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They got into a family hug
Kuroka-"I missed you so much!"
She rubbed her cheeks against Chloe
Chloe-"ahahaha, stop it Kuroka onee-san, it tickles!"

Issei-"how's school today, Chloe?"
Chloe-"It was fun! I learned lots of things!"
Issei-"that's great! Let's go home and ask mom to cook up something for you, ok?"
Chloe -"yeah!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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