Not-So-Happy Reunion/Army of Fallen Angels

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Immediately after Kokabiel left the castle, Issei contacted Serafall
Serafall-"who is it- OH ISSEI-CHAN!"

Issei-"sera-Chan! It is an emergency, Kokabiel is trying to start another Great War , and his first target is likely to be Kuoh!"


Issei-"Nono, rest assured, I have the white dragon emperor on my side, just contact Sirzechs in case something goes south."

Serafall-"ok......just be safe out there alright, Issei? Remember you are my queen piece, I absolute CANNOT lose you."

Issei-"yes m'am!"

Issei hangs up

"Altria, you are coming with me. Vali, be there when my fight with Kokabiel is over to pick him up, I don't want to make enemies with the fallen faction."

Vali-"roger that"

Issei-"oh Kuroka, you said you want to find your sister, right?"

Kuroka-"yes, why nya?"

Issei-"she is with Rias Gremory right now. But you need to give me time to......tell her what really happened."


Issei-"Rias Gremory wanted to get your sister into her peerage, so she lied to your sister about you, she now believes that you are drunk because of your power........she hates you, Kuroka."

Kuroka grits her teeth

Issei-"but don't worry, I will set the story straight with her, look forward to the reunion!" *winks*
"Altria come on, we need to go, now!"

Altria-"yes master"

Issei used geppo and blasted off, Altria used a similar technique and did the same
"Ugh this is not fast enough! RHONGOMYNIAD BALANCE BREAKER!"

Issei and Altria flies toward Kuoh at Mach 6 speed

At Kuoh.....
Rias-"So, why are the church members meeting with the devils like me?"

Xenovia-"humph, we just want to make sure you devils wont interfere with our mission."

Irina-"oh come on Xenovia, don't be so rude! Besides, we only came for th Excalibur fragments."
Irina's mind-"and for revenge."


Rias-"oh? I am assuming that they are stolen by someone?"

Xenovia-"sigh, yes, the general of the fallen angels, Kokabiel stole them, well all of them besides the two that we are holding."

Kiba bursted through the door-"perfect, it is the chance for me to DESTROY THE EXCALIBUR!"

Rias-"Kiba, where have you been?!"

At the same moment, Issei bursted through the window
"Rias Gremory, we need to have a meetin- huh?"

Irina held a grim expression on her face, she unsheathes excalinur mimic
"ISSEI! I have waited years for this moment! Meet me outside!"

Issei-"sigh, I do not have time for this crap."

Kiba is clashing with Xenovia while Issei is absolute dominating Irina

Irina-"Issei, why, WHY DID YOU KILL MY PARENTS?!"

Issei was effortless dodging her blade
"Heh, they were going to kill me anyways so, it's an eye for an eye."


Issei traced Kanshou and Byakuya

Irina struggles to keep up with Issei's speed
"Stop dodging!"
Issei-"come on, aren't you the almighty holy sword user? Why can't you just cut down a devil like me? Ahahahaha!"

Issei teleported behind her and smashed her head into a tree, knocking her out.
"I'm done here, Rias, I suppose you already know that Kokabiel is going to wage a second Great War, correct?"


Issei-"dont worry, I'm new to help, and plus, I already told Ms. Leviathan to contact your brother."

Rias-" I can deal with this myself!"

Issei-"Ms. Gremory, it is time to put down your FUCKING pride and face the reality, you cannot deal with Kokabiel alone!"

Rias-"where did Kiba go?"

They turned to where Kiba was and he is nowhere to be seen.


Issei sensed a huge magical signature
"Hmm? Crap"

Rias-" Issei, what's wrong?"

Issei-"I sense an army of stray fallen coming towards Kuoh, about.......1,500"

Rias-"looks like we are in trouble

Issei/Altria-"no shit Sherlock."

Issei-"Altria, prepare for combat."
"Yes master."

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