Andromeda_: Someone is being a little pushy, haha! Don't worry, I'll rip the bandaid off quickly

Ares: what's that supposed to mean...

Andromeda_: And now, in first place with a whopping 50 votes,


Andromeda_: Max!

Ares: WHAT?!

Max: I-...this has to be rigged...

Ares: Yeah! That's impossible! Maybe you read the name wrong?!

Andromeda_: No...I didn't. Max, you've earned the title as the most popular Spencer sibling fair and square

Max: I don't believe it...I'm very touched. Thank you to everyone who voted for me, I will cherish all of your feelings

Lucas: So, we're the deadlasts, huh?

Roman: As is the fate of the sensible siblings

Lance: ...*mumbles*...not fair

Lucas: You say something?

Lance: No, nothing.

Ares: I'm probably going to regret asking this many votes did we get?

Andromeda_: Uh...maybe it's best if I don't say?

Lucas, Lance, Roman, and Ares: *sulks*

Andromeda_: W-Well, don't worry! I'm sure even with the less than ten votes, you guys are still loved.


Andromeda_: Well, not you Ares, you got 11

Ares: That doesn't make me feel any better...

Roman: We got...less than 10?

Lucas: Is this the part where we say 'Am I chopped liver?'

Lance: It can't be helped. The people love who they want to love

Kade: Wait, who was in last?

Andromeda_: Is that really necessary Kade?

Lance: No, no, I wanna know too

Andromeda_: You guys are sure...?

Max: They can take it, they're big boys

Ares: We don't need to hear that from you Mr. #1 Sibling

Andromeda_: Well, I guess since you want to hear it...sorry, Lucas, you were last

Lucas: ... *looks at the camera* ...

Roman: I-It's okay isn't that bad

Andromeda_: Roman you were practically tied with him, you only got one more than him

Roman: ...*looks at the camera*...

Lance: *sighs* Who even suggested this idea?

Andromeda_: Kade wouldn't stop bugging me

Kade: Well, I'm sorry! Since you wouldn't tell us who Ceres' favorite was, I needed some kind of validation from the people >.<

Ares: He's making weird faces again, I think it's time to get out of here

Lucas: yeah...I'm gonna take my chips and go

Roman: Go where?

Lucas: Anywhere but here...because clearly I'm not wanted...

Ceres: Don't feel bad Lucas...would you like me to fix it?

Lucas: Fix it? How?

Ceres: you guys can have my votes and split them between each other

Roman: Ceres, that's very sweet of you but that's not how it works

Ceres: *tilts head* why not?

Lance: *shakes head* It just isn't

Andromeda_: Well, there you have it folks! Some rejoiced in their win and others sulked at their loss, but that's okay because we love each and everyone of these guys! Am I right? As always, thank you for reading-

Ares: I wanna another voting!

Andromeda_: Did you just interrupt me?

Ares: Shut up, lady! I want another voting right now! Everyone has to comment their favorite right now!

Andromeda_: Ares, don't be a sore loser

Ares: I'm not being a sore loser, these votes were rigged, there's no way Max got more votes than me!

Max: *snickers* Read em' and weep my friend

Andromeda_: *sighs* I just asked them to vote last chapter so for right now, I won't ask again. Maybe somewhere later down the line, okay?

Ares: Fine...*begins to plan to rig the votes himself*

Andromeda_: Anyways, since I was interrupted last time *glares at Ares* I will start over. As always, thank you guys for reading, voting, and commenting. I will see you all in the next chapter!

Family Mattersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें