Chapter Thirty Six

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I yawned as I walked into the living room where the rest of my brothers had gathered. Papa had woken me up and asked me to go down to the living room. For what reason, I guess I was about to find out.

I sat next in the vacant spot next to Lucas and couldn't help but lean my head against his shoulder as I was still pretty tired. I didn't even know what time it was but I'm sure it's the early hours of morning.

"Okay, now that everyone is here we can start this meeting" Papa said. Papa, Lance, and Roman were standing while the rest of us were sitting down waiting to hear whatever news they have prepared for us.

"Uh, why are we having this meeting at six in the morning? This couldn't wait til breakfast?" Ares asked while holding back a yawn of his own and Lance sighed.

"Unfortunately no. Dad and I will be heading out for a business trip in a few hours" Lance said and Max frowned.

"That's nothing new though" Max said.

"We won't be taking the usual two or three day trip. This one will be for at least two weeks if not three" Papa said and while my brothers seemed pretty calm, I found myself stunned and fully awake.

"And I will be attending a company retreat for the week" Roman said.

"Kade, as per usual, you're in charge" Papa said and Kade gave a yawn before nodding. Lance turned his head to me and I looked at him curiously.

"Ceres, you're also in charge" he said and my eyes widened at his words.

"Me...?" I muttered and he nodded with a small smile.

"I trust that you'll be the voice of reason when these guys are about to kill each other" he said and Ares made a 'psh' sound.

"That's bologna. We don't try to kill each other" Ares said and Lance gave him a 'that's a lie and you know it' look.

"Well, either way, I agree. I trust Ceres by herself for a week more than any of you alone for five seconds" Roman said.

"I can already tell this is going to be a hectic week" I heard Lucas mutter from above me.

~ Day One ~

I yawned as I had begun to groggily wake up out of my sleep. For some reason, I felt extremely tired even though I had gone to sleep at my regular time.

When my eyes fluttered to the clock, they widened when seeing that it was well past eight meaning that first period has already started and I was significantly late.

I hurried out of bed to go and wake the others up.

"Max! Wake up! We're late!" I said as I shook Max's still sleeping body. Max let out a low groan and next thing I knew, Max was patting my head as if I was his alarm clock that he was trying to shut off.

"...'s fine...good" He muttered and I huffed before reaching over and doing what I had to Kade that one time. Just like Kade, Max was up in an instant and panting.

"What did I tell you about that?!" He exclaimed and I frowned.

"I'm sorry, but you weren't waking up and we're late for school. Now please get dressed" I said before heading out of the room and hoping that Max would listen to me.

Next stop was Kade's room and when I walked in, I didn't even bother to waste my time trying to wake the heavy sleeper up. I went straight for the last resort and it had gotten me the quick results that I needed.

"Not again..." I heard Kade mutter.

"We are late for school so please hurry and get dressed" I said and then began to head back to my room and get dressed.

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