Chapter Forty One

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"Wait, wait. Slow down" Ares said as I had tried to explain everything that happened today.

I didn't manage to find Max until it was time to go home and from there I just decided that I would tell everyone since I think I was in need of multiple opinions.

"It started this morning, Diana wasn't speak to me and I didn't know why. Then later Will told me that everyone was talking badly about me" I said and Roman frowned.

"Who's Will?" Roman asked.

"Some weirdo who recently joined their group" Max said as he leaned back on the couch.

"You know about this boy? And you didn't say anything?" Kade asked Max shrugged.

"Yeah, I've only met the guy once" he said with a shrug and Kade gave a short sigh.

"And did you believe him?" Roman asked as he motioned for me to continue and I shook my head.

"I don't know what to believe..." I muttered.

"Well, surely there must be some kind of basis for his words. How did he even find out about them talking about you?" Lucas said and I shrugged.

"He didn't really go into detail...he just said that he stopped them. And then when I went to ask everyone about it, Will and Ross looked like they were about to fight" I said.

"Man, I wish my high school experience was this interesting" Ares said with chuckle.

"My friends talking bad about me is interesting...?" I asked and Ares shook his head frantically as I'm sure he realized how that sounded.

"No, of course not. I was just making an unneeded comment" he said and I nodded.

"What happened after that?" Kade asked, he had been silent this entire time but I'm guessing it's because he was taking in all the information.

"Ross told me that Will had insulted Diana and told her to disappear" I said and all of my brothers eyes widened at that.

"Disappear? That's definitely a little alarming" Ares said.

"I knew that kid was nasty. No one can keep a smile on their face for that long" Max said.

"Diana asked if the things I said were true but I don't know what she was talking about. I haven't spoken to her since last week because I lost my phone" I admitted.

"Wait you lost your phone?" Roman asked and I nodded.

"I did but it was on my desk this morning" I said as I showed them my phone.

"And now you're being accused of things you didn't say. Honey, where was the last place you saw your phone before it went missing?" Kade asked.

"I don't really know. I wasn't on my phone much during the trip. It was in the side pocket of my bag the entire time" I said and Roman hummed.

"Did you leave your bag anywhere? Or with someone?" He asked.

"Yeah, Diana had to use the bathroom so I went with her and Ross held our stuff for us but when I came back Will was the one to give me my stuff back" I explained.

"And it just randomly showed up on your desk?" Lucas said and I nodded.

"I see what's happening here" Kade said and we all looked at him.

"That boy took your phone and must have texted those things to make it look like you did it" He said and my eyes widened.

Make me look like the one who did it? But why would he do that...?

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