Chapter Seven

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I am prospering right now.

No school meant not having to get up early, no having to deal with teachers or random students, and the best part of it all was that I didn't have to worry about homework until Sunday.

It was as if I was on cloud nine.

I was in the warm frog onesie that was kindly bought for me by my family. I didn't know who chose it but I was just going to assume that it was Kade.

The weather has been getting colder and colder and just last night it snowed heavily for the first time. I liked looking at the snow from afar rather than up close but I also wouldn't mind going out and being in it. I opted for sitting next to my window and watching as the snow fell.

It was so sparkly and pretty...

"Honey?" I turned at the sound of Kade's voice. He was standing at the door with his head peeked in just enough to see me over near the window.

"You're looking at the snow too, huh?  The rest of us were just wondering if you wanted to go out and play in it?" He asked as he came over to me.

I had remembered watching the kids in the neighborhood playing in the snow. They would have snow ball fights, make snow angels in the ground, and build snowmen. Part of me longed to play with them but that other scared part of me was too afraid to approach them.

I nodded silently and Kade smiled.

"Well, come on. We have to get you bundled up" he said and I just followed after him downstairs.

The rest of my brothers and even Papa were home. That was a rare sight since Papa often had work but I was happy that he was here nonetheless.

"Our little frog princess has agreed to coming out and playing in the snow" Kade said as we walked into the kitchen.

"That's great. After, we can have hot chocolate and watch a movie. How does that sound?" Papa asked as he looked at me.

Yuck, hot chocolate...I didn't really like the sound of that.

Seeing the look on my face, Papa frowned.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"I don't really like hot chocolate..." I mumbled while twiddling my thumbs. The collective sounds of gasps came out from all of my brothers and I looked at them.

"H-How can you not like hot chocolate? Are you an alien?" Ares asked and I frowned at the assumption.

"No, she's a robot like I said" Max said.

Needless to say both of them were smacked upside the head by Lance.

"Everyone has their likes and dislikes. It isn't out of the ordinary that Ceres doesn't like hot chocolate" Roman said while giving me a comforting rub on the back. I smiled a little as thanks for him defending me.

"Would you prefer tea?" Papa asked and I nodded.

I very much so liked tea. Just in the few times I've had it, I found it so calming and it's loose flavor was what I loved the most about it.

"Alright then, tea it is. You two will be drinking it as well" Papa said glaring at Ares and Max who both gaped at him.

"Ew, gross" Ares whined.

"Who the hell drinks tea in the middle of the day anyways?" Max grumbled.

"I don't want to hear another word out of you two" Papa said.

"C'mon, let's go get you bundled up" Kade said pulling me away from the group.


"One more scarf shouldn't be too much right? Oh, another hat and gloves...maybe another jacket?"

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