Chapter Six

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Our little sister sure was a strange one.

Not that I minded. If anything, I was glad that she wasn't like every other teenage adolescent. In my eyes, it just meant that we received such an adorable and unique little sister and it was the greatest gift ever.

She wasn't a big talker and her face usually remained expressionless unless one of us made her smile, she hates doing homework and would often hide it from us when we tried to get her to do it, and she tended to be easily influenced by Max who I guess she looks up to in a strange Ceres kind of way.

Ceres didn't necessarily like the normal things a young girl should but that by no means made her a tomboy. She was just in the middle. Neutral to those kinds of gender roles. She was very truthful and blunt so it was only natural that she did what she liked and won't do what she doesn't like.

Such as making friends. I was very worried about her lack of friends or just socialization in general as the only people she talks to is us. Though it seems Ceres wasn't bothered by it at all, in fact, I'm pretty sure she thrives off of the distance from others.

Her reason being that she likes being alone.

Speaking of the little one, Ceres slowly walked into the kitchen with a tired look in her eyes before sitting in the stool and slumped over the island in a tired heap.

"Low battery. Low battery. Low battery..." she began to mutter and I smiled wearily at Ceres' weird way of telling me that she was hungry.

"Need charging. Please give me energy" she continued as she turned her head to me.

"You're such a weirdo, y'know that?" I said as I took out some ingredients from the fridge in order to make food for the girl that apparently needed charging.

"Max said that I'm like a robot so I was acting like one to try and see if I really was like a robot" she said while swinging her feet since they didn't touch the ground in the chair.

I chuckled. Just like I said, Ceres has been influenced by Max once again.

"Robots are incapable of feeling emotion and you," I said reaching over to pinch her arm and she muttered an 'ow' before rubbing the spot where I pinched her.

"Are very much so capable of emotions" I said and Ceres sulked, I'm guessing at the fact that I pinched her.

She really was so cute.

"You should hurry and eat. You don't have long before it's time for you to go to school and you aren't even dressed" I said while sliding a plate of food in front of Ceres. She sat up straight and gave me a nod before digging in to the food I made for her.

Now that I think about it, Max should be up right about now as well. Leaving Ceres in the kitchen, I went up to Max's room only to see him still asleep. I sighed before going over to his bedside.

"Max, you've slept in a little too long. You're going to be late if you don't wake up" I said while nudging his shoulder. Max grumbled in response as he tried to dig his head further into his pillow, almost as if he wanted to become one with the pillow.

"So fucking what...." he muttered and I frowned at his words.

"Max" I said lowly and hearing my tone, Max cracked an eye open.

"Please get up" I said as gently as I could. I didn't want to have to resort to extreme methods in order to get Max out of bed so I hoped that he would comply right now.

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