Chapter Nineteen

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Max yawned loudly as he made his way into the school. It was finally the last day before winter break and he was grateful that he wouldn't have to be back until after New Years. He thought the school was a crappy place but his brothers were always on him about attending his classes and doing his work.

Even Ares, which was embarrassing to Max. Ares may act like an idiot but he isn't one at all. He passed all his classes with straight A's and even got the highest scores in his class. It made Max wonder why Ares never went to college to put his knowledge to use for something good.

Max walked slowly through the empty halls to his class, not really wanting to get there. He was late since he woke up really late and his brothers weren't around to wake him up. Roman, Kade, and Lance were all off at work while Lucas had to go in for an early lecture leaving him and Ceres with Ares. Ares had completely forgotten to wake them up so they had to make the long trek of walking to school themselves.

Max knew that he should start waking up on his own but he could never hear the alarms that he sets, no matter how loud or how many he makes. It was just impossible for him.

As Max was walking, he frowned when he saw a figure by a locker. That wouldn't have bothered him if it was any locker. However, that locker wasn't just any locker, it was Ceres' locker.

And that couldn't have been Ceres since he just dropped her off at her classroom. Max walked quickly towards the figure when he saw them trying to slip something in her locker and just before they could, Max grabbed their wrist and glared down at them.

"Who the fuck are you?" Max growled out and for a second, he thought the boy was gonna piss himself with how frightened he looked. He didn't care though, Max didn't know what he was about to put in Ceres locker and he wasn't going to take any chances.

Was she being bullied? God help this boy if he was harassing Ceres because Max would make him regret every second of it. The way he was shaking violently also gave Max no reason to have sympathy...or mercy.

The boy's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water and Max's patience was running thin. Seeing something in his hand, Max snatched it with his free hand.

"The hell is this?" Max asked. He groaned when he noticed that the boy was too intimidated to speak to him properly so he let go of his wrist and crossed his arms while giving the boy an expectant look.

He didn't even care that every second he spent here, was another second he was late for class.

Deciding that the boy was taking too long for his liking, Max opened the letter and took out the paper that was inside. His eyes darted from one sentence to the next as he read the relatively short letter. Once he finished, a frown was prominent on his face.

"This ain't the fucking dark ages, you wanna confess to someone do it to their face. Not by being some creep who puts letters in lockers during class hours" Max said. The boy looked at him wide eyed as if he was expecting a worse reaction from Max, which could have happened if the letter contained anything that could mean he was bullying Ceres.

Seeing as he no longer had a reason to hold the boy here, Max nudged his head in the opposite direction.

"Get out of here. If I catch you doing this shit again I won't go so easy on you" Max said and the boy nodded before running off to whatever class he was supposed to be in.

"Little pest..." Max muttered as he shoved the letter in his pocket before heading off to his own class.

All morning Max found himself irritated for some reason. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the fact that he had to interrogate some boy so early in the morning but whatever it was, it just left a sour taste in his mouth.

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