Chapter Twenty Seven

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I was afraid that today might be the day that Kade has an actual heart attack.

I didn't think much of it when I asked to bring my friends over so that we could finish up the last bits of our project. I thought we would just go up to my room and work on it, hang out a little, and then everyone goes home.

But an unexpected obstacle named Kade showed itself.

"Hi...uh, Mr. Spencer...'s?" Ross trailed off as he looked at my brothers who were in the house.

It was just Ares, Kade, and Max since Lance was at work and Lucas was at his college. Roman had went into his room after dropping us off in the house.

"Which one is the dad?" Diana whispered and Hayden shrugged.

"None of us. We're her brothers" Ares said as he looked at us.

" guys do look a little young" Ross said as he let out a small chuckle.

The entire time, I had noticed that Kade was quiet and I just figured it was because he was waiting for the right time to introduce himself.

That wasn't the case.

Ares and Max had already said their piece before leaving but when we went to greet Kade, he was still frozen like a statue on display.

"What's wrong with him?" Ross asked turning to me and I shrugged.

"He isn't usually like this..." I said and suddenly, Kade unfroze and while his lips formed into a seemingly pleasant smile, his eyes said it all.

He was upset.

"Are these...two...your friends? Or are they some strays that followed you and Diana here?" Kade asked as he eyed Ross and Hayden. Ross frowned at Kade as he crossed his arms.

I don't think I'm going to like where this is going...

"Yeah, we're her friends..." Hayden said. He himself had been on guard the entire time we were in the car and I could see him glancing every now and then at Max but I had no idea why.

I figured Hayden had heard the rumors about Max and was just being wary whereas Ross and Diana had no problems being around Max.

I put my hand up as a way of asking for my friends to wait a minute before dragging Kade into the kitchen.

"Is something wrong?" I asked looking up at him and Kade's fake expression disappeared as he gave me a real smile in place of it.

"I'm just a little...surprised. They aren't, y'know, bothering you or anything right? All friendly stuff?" I had no idea what Kade was hinting at but I just shook my head.

The faster I could straighten Kade out, the faster we could finish our project.

"Yes. Ross and Hayden have been nothing but nice to me" I said and Kade muttered something so quiet that I couldn't hear it even though we were standing so close to each other.

"We have to work on our project now...I will talk to you later" I said but before I could leave Kade stopped me.

"You'll tell me if anything is wrong right?" He said and there was some kind of pleading tone to his words that made me just nod without questioning him.

I didn't really like the fact that Kade was judging Ross and Hayden for whatever reason he had but I kept silent. I didn't want to start any arguments, all I wanted to do was finish our project.

"Ceres? Your friends are waiting for you" Roman said as he came into the kitchen but upon seeing me and Kade talking, a knowing look appeared on his face and Kade paled.

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