Chapter Nine

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I was currently on my way to pick Ceres and Max up from school. In order to keep up with the plan all of us made, I had asked Dad to pull a favor for me and allow me to clear my schedule for the rest of the day. He had no problems thankfully.

When the two had finally come out, my eyes widened when I saw the red bump on Ceres' forehead, instantly making me clench my fist. What the hell happened to her?

The two had gotten into the car and it was just complete silence.

"So are one of you going to tell me how that bump appeared?" I asked and Max shrugged.

"I don't know. She won't talk about it" he said and I looked over to Ceres who sat with her head turned towards the window, obviously avoiding my gaze.

"Ceres, how did you get that bump?" I asked. I had no plans to start this car until she told me and I guess she noticed as well because she slowly turned her head towards me and once she saw the expectant look on my face, she gave in.

"I wasn't watching where I was going and tripped into a locker..." She muttered and a light pink dusted her cheeks, no doubt embarrassed of the way she got the bump.

I wasn't all too satisfied with her answer but I left it alone for now. I could question her further once we got home.

"Ahhhhh!!! Honey, what is that on your forehead?!" I winced at the sound of Kade's loud voice. He was staring at the red bump on Ceres' head in horror. I thought he was about to have a heart attack or something.

Ceres frowned at him but before she could say anything, her head was being tilted at various different angles by Ares.

"Jesus, that thing is big. How'd you get it?" He asked.

"She tripped and fell into a locker" I said and Ares gave a hum before nodding.

"I suspected this would happen eventually and I guess it's my fault for not saying something about it sooner" he said and we all looked at him in confusion.

"Kiddo here needs glasses" he said. I wasn't too surprised at Ares' conclusion since he was almost never wrong about things like this but seeing Ceres sulk at Ares words just made me feel guilty.

How could I have not noticed that? I mean, I sometimes helped her with her homework but it never appeared to me that she had trouble seeing.

"Ceres, how long have you been having trouble with seeing things?" I asked and Ceres shrugged her shoulders.

"A week...or two..." she mumbled.

"Or two? Honey, you should have said something sooner. Your eyes could have gotten really bad if we hadn't found out" Kade said.

"Sorry..." Ceres muttered.

"And you! Why didn't you say anything the moment you noticed?" Kade asked getting up  close and personal with Ares who just put his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't want to call it out unless I was sure" He said and I just sighed. I agreed with Kade that Ares should have said something, even if he wasn't sure. We could have prevented what happened today if we had taken her to an optometrist sooner. I said nothing though, leaving it up to Kade to do the lectures for once.

"Ceres, come with me" I said holding my hand out to her and she took it so I led her up to her room.

"Let's get started on your homework" I said and I could already see the beginnings of a frown forming on Ceres' face. She really hates homework, huh?

"But these ones aren't due til next Monday" She said and I shook my head.

"I don't want you to become like Max and procrastinate all the time, that's how you end up in trouble. Besides, after we finish, me and you are going to hang out for the rest of the day. We can do anything you'd like" I said and at the bribery of getting to do something fun, Ceres complied and we started on her homework.

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