Chapter Five

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I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was now dressed and ready even though I didn't want to be. Roman had come to wake me up this morning and despite my attempts to ignore him, he managed to bribe me with the promise of allowing me to sleep in a little tomorrow.

I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs to the kitchen where Max was waiting for me. Kade was also in the kitchen and upon seeing me, his expression brightened and he grabbed something from the counter.

"I made you lunch. It's filled with all the nutrients and love you'll need for today" Kade gushed while handing me my lunch. I gave him a small smile before thanking him and taking the lunch from him.

Max scrunched up his nose in disgust at Kade's tone and looked over to me.

"Don't eat that shit. You might get food poisoning" he said and Kade pouted.

"I used to make your lunch for you all the time and you always told me how much you loved my cooking" he said.

At Kade's words, Max's face turned a bright red and I could of swore that I saw steam coming out of his ears.

"I was lying so your stupid feelings wouldn't get hurt! There's no way I'd actually like your food!" he exclaimed embarrassedly and I saw Kade smirk a little before feigning hurt.

Knowing that these two were going to take a while, I sighed before deciding to just make my way to the car where Roman was waiting for us.

Once Max had gotten into the car, with a lunch from Kade in hand, we were off to our school.

"Are you excited to start your new school, Ceres?" Roman asked as he drove us to school. I wanted more than anything to just crawl back into bed and sleep the day away. I could tell Max wanted the same as he was trying to catch up on sleep in his seat in the front.

"No" I said bluntly and Roman gave a small chuckle.

"It's okay to be nervous, everyone gets those first day jitters at some point in their life after all" Roman said.

I said nothing in response since I didn't really want to continue talking about school. There was a difference between being nervous and not wanting to be there at all. I was the latter.

After a few minutes, we finally arrived and I just stared at the school in distaste. There was a bunch of students going in since it was just a little before it was time for classes to start.

"Max, we're here" Roman said lightly shaking him and Max groaned but woke up.

"Alright then, I'll see you two when you get home. One of the others will come pick you up" Roman said before he turned to me.

"I hope you have a good first day" he said while smiling gently at me and I nodded before getting out of the car and following Max into the school.

Before we entered the school, Max stopped and held his hand out to me and I looked at it strangely before looking at Max.

"Take it. The halls are hard to navigate through at this time" he said curtly and I nodded before taking his hand.

True to his word, the halls were jam packed with students. I was afraid that one of them would bump into me too hard and I'd lose sight of Max, but with the way Max held firmly onto my hand or shoved past students was telling me that he had no intentions of letting me get lost which I was thankful for.

When we reached what seemed to be the main office, Max gruffly asked for my schedule and the man who was at the front desk just nodded before handing it over.

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