Chapter Twenty Three

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Holiday break was over and now it was back to the same old, same old. I was very sad when I was woken up at the ungodly hour of seven in the morning to get ready to come back to this dreadful place.

I swear I was sighing the whole time in the car as I thought about it.

"Ceres!" I didn't get the chance to see Diana running straight for me until she tackled me into a hug and we both went flying on the ground.

I winced as my butt made contact with the hard ground. I could see a couple of other students staring at us and I immediately averted my eyes back onto the black haired girl that was currently squeezing the life out of me.

"D-Diana..." I managed to say in between her squeezing and she seemed to finally realize that I was slowly losing oxygen.

"Oh, sorry! I was just so excited to see you!" She said with a giggle as she got up and then helped me up. I frowned a little but I wasn't actually upset with her. I don't think I could be when she was so excited to see me.

"It's fine..." I said with a small smile to let her know that I was okay from her little surprise attack.

"So, what did you do over the break? We only got to talk a little since you're horrible when it comes to texting and picking up your phone" Diana said with a snicker at the end and I felt heat rising to my cheeks at her remark.

It wasn't a lie. I usually wasn't paying attention to my phone let alone being on it since I still wasn't sure of all the functions. The others promised they would teach me when they had time but until then, this was the way it had to be.

"Break was nice...I really just relaxed mainly, nothing too exciting" I said as we walked slowly to class. We were kind of early so we still had some time to hang behind.

"Mm, that sounds nice. My dad was bugging me the entire time wanting to do things. Like, I understand that he want to spend time with me but every second of the break is too much time" Diana said and I nodded at her words to show that I was listening.

Suddenly, Diana gasped as if she had gotten an amazing idea. Though, knowing Diana, it's probably something bizarre.

"You should come to my house! We could have a sleep over!" She said giddily.

A sleep over? My heart thumped at the offer. I had heard so much about these sleep overs from the kids in my old school, particularly of how fun they were. You get to snack on chips and candy, play games, stay up late, watch movies, and just talk about anything with your friends.

Before I could even answer her, the bell rung and we both had to hurry to class since we were late as we had just spent our spare time talking.

During the entire time through out our morning classes, I found myself a nervous wreck.

I had never been to a sleep over so it was only natural to be nervous, right? It's not like I didn't know what goes on at a sleep over but I just didn't find myself to be a fun person at all. I hardly did anything that others could consider fun. I liked old martial arts movies and taking naps, how in anyway is that good? I also have no idea what kinds of things Diana likes to do for fun, and if anything, she would probably realize how boring I was and never ask me to sleep over again.

I let out a small sigh as I turned my head up to the teacher who was asking for everyone's attention.

"Alright, you guys. It's time for your first group project!" Our teacher cheered and the only thing I could do was cringe heavily. Group work was never a favorite of mine. When we were placed in groups in my old school, the kids in my group either expected me to do all the work (which I wouldn't and we would all fail) or excluded me and left me on my own. Needless to say I've never handed in a group project in my life.

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