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Andromeda_: Hello everyone, Andromeda_ here! Today, we're here for a little something different than normal. We're here for the results of you guys' votes on your favorite siblings! As the occasion calls, the siblings are here with us right now. Please introduce yourselves.

Lance: Hello, everyone *waves*

Max: I am trying to be pleasant for once so...Hello

Roman: If only you'd do it more often...

Max: *glares* Don't push it

Ares: Hey everyone!

Ceres: Hello *smiles*

Kade: Hey you guys, long time no see~

Lucas: It's only been a few chapters...

Kade: I know but I'm sure my adoring fans have missed me in that time!

Ares: Get over yourself *rolls eyes*

Andromeda_: Now that the introductions are finished, I want to keep this relatively short so let's get a move on yes?

*Andromeda_ takes out a piece of paper*

Andromeda_: In my hand are the tallied votes for each sibling and let me say, just wow. And I mean it in a both good and bad way

Lucas: That doesn't sound promising...

Andromeda_: I have tallied up all the votes and the top 3 most popular siblings are as follows

*everyone waits anxiously*

Andromeda_: In third is our adorable cinnamon roll and bagel bites lover, Ceres!

Ceres: *eyes widen* oh wow...I-...Thank you everyone for all your kindness

Ares: Woooah, nice Kiddo! The people love ya'!

Ceres: *smiles* I guess so...right?

Andromeda_: They sure do! And now, following after in second place

*everyone waits anxiously once again*

Andromeda_: Everyone's favorite drama king, Kade!

Kade: *squeals* Oh my god! I mean, it's not as if I didn't expect to make top 3, although first place would be better....but nonetheless thank you all for your love! I love each and everyone one of you! Oh I wish I could just hug you guys~

Max: Nasty...

Roman: Somehow these turn of events don't surprise me at all. Despite being incredibly annoying, I guess Kade does have that certain charm to him

Lance: If only he could use it correctly...

Ares: Okay! Let's move on to the last one, I am DYING to know

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