Chapter 12

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No ones POV

The current race went on, Nightmare and Error basically at each other's throats, constantly passing each other just to be pulled back by the other. They have completed the first two obstacles of the challenge, approaching the third and final one. Now to see how they will deal with this.

After some skipping over each other, Error manage to get the upper hand and pass Nightmare, putting him in 5th place and Nightmare in 6th. Error approaches the third obstacle before Nightmare. 

Laying before Error was a field of mines. It seemed like some of the mines were already exploded from the people who arrived before him. 

Errors POV

I can't see the mines... and Nightmare wasn't too far behind... so I have to think fast! 

No ones POV

Error then looked around, hoping to find a fast way to get through this! Just like that, an idea popped into his head. Error took his strings and attached one end to near by rock. The rock was leveled enough to lift the string off the ground. He then proceeded to shoot the other end and wrap it around a sign post. Making sure it was secure, Error proceeded to walk on the string, over all the land mines.

 Though there was always the possibility that others can also use this string and to the same, Error highly doubted it. His strings have always been his custom magic, he can easily use them in the way he sees fit, so walking on them, like so, was like walking on flat ground. Though to others, it would be like a slippery, tight rope. 

Error then proceeded to run, walk, across his string. Nightmare had also reached this point. Nightmare looks over to see Error walking on his string and the other participants who made it before him. 

Error was already pretty far ahead, so how Nightmare had to catch up, but also get ahead of Error as well. As Nightmare takes a moment to think, until his head clicked with an idea.

Nightmares POV

I get myself prepared... this was gonna hurt.... a lot... but the least I can do is minimize the damage to some small cutes and bruises. I have decided that the fastest way to get ahead of Error was to charge through, having my tendrils covering me to minimize damage. Though I will feel all the damage caused to them, they are more durable and can take some pitiful explosions. 

I prepare my tendrils in front of me. As au don't know where the mines are, I will be going in completely blind. "Well... he goes nothing..." I take a deep breath before putting my foot back. I then use the starting force to race through, mines going off all around me. 

This did indeed hurt like getting bombed over and over again, would feel like. But I endured all of it and continued to dash forward.

Errors POV

I heard several explosions go off behind me. I looked back to see Nightmare shipping through the mines! His speed was incredible, thought the minds slightly slowed him down, he was going full horse power. Nightmare was catching up way too quickly, I had to step up. I began full on sprinting across the mines. Though Nightmare still continued to close in. 

No ones POV

Not long after, Nightmare and Error where now head to head, full on speeding, trying to pass the other. One would start to slightly go a slim further ahead of the other. But that only lasted about a minute before the other would catch up,  and soon pass the other in front of them.

There were now coming close to the competition of Todoroki and Bakugou where having. Just like Nightmare and Error, Todoroki and Bakugou where racing each  other, though not as closely or with a  similarly competitive nature. 

As the two separate competitions went on, generally getting closer to each other. Nightmare, Error, Todoroki and Bakugou, as well as the other students present, turned there attention to the sound of the huge explosion that went off. Their attention was on the now flying Deku. 

Bakugo looked infuriated as Deku flew about them. Todoroki looked pretty surprised. Nightmare seemed to show a visible smirk as he looked over at a very pleased Error. Error was genuinely proud that Deku came up with such a smart way to get ahead of the race. 

After there little awe, Bakugou went racing after Deku, obviously pissed. Todoroki soon followed behind, still technically being in a competition with Bakugou and now Deku as well. 

Deku had already landed, quickly scrambling to his feet. Now up, he began racing to the finish. Error and Nightmare decided to mutually just go on ahead, still some competition in them, making them constantly sun a little faster than the other. 

Deku was in the lead, Bakugou and Todoroki close behind. Not so far behind was Nightmare and Error. Soon after them where some students, who used the convenience of Nightmares path, to get by the mines faster. Though Nightmare was not pleased in the involuntary act of helping them, he just brushed it off. 

Finally a Deku made it, first to the finish line. Todoroki came in second and a furious Bakugou in third.(don't know if that was the right order...) Soon after those three came in, so did Nightmare, Error and some other students close behind.

The race and the first trial, have come to an end. Leaving Error in fourth place and Nightmare in fifth. As they decided that over a game of Rock Paper Scissors, having Nightmares lose and letting Error take the fourth place spot.

(Hey guys! So I'm hoping to finish this story soon, as I'm feeling less inspired to write it then when I wrote the first chapter. But don't worry, I will indeed finish this book, but it's going to be finished earlier than expected.  It don't worry, I hope to write at least 4 or 5 more chapters depending on how the story goes. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for reading <3)

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