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(This is my first time writing a story so it might be trash. None of these are my characters.)

Nightmares POV

It has currently been 3 months since the Nightmare Gang and the Star Sans formed our alliance and we turned a new leaf. Error had also made an agreement with Ink, Ink would stop creating AU's and Error would stop destroying. So far the alliance was stable and everything was going great between the two sans groups.

I was walking in the forest around my castle, taking a little stroll. As I walked trough the forest strolling thought the dark green grass, with some light green patches, littered with small tree branches. I stared at the dark blue and clear sky, than the image of Error came into my mind. I might have a small crush on Error, just a small one. As I thought about Error, I felt a tint of green(correct me is I'm wrong) blush, dust on my cheek bones. I felt the light, soft, cooling breeze hit my face as I just kept walking through the forest as I was still in deep thought.

I was soon pulled out of my dazed state after I had felt a boney hand touch my shoulder. I reacted on instinct and quickly whipped my head to look behind me. There I saw Error was the one who grabbed my shoulder. Error has become much more comfortable around me and the gang and touch no longer concerns him around us. I blushed slightly as I though how cute he looked, feeling my face start to heat up slightly and than I immediately pushed it back down.

"Hey Error whats up" I asked him with a smile plastered on my face. "The sky" Error replied. Me and Error both let out a little chuckle. "Care to join me for a little walk?" I asked him, wanting to spend more time with him. "Uh... sure... not like I have anything better to do" Error had replied to my question with his cute little smile.

Me and Error walked through the forest, talking about how things have been and telling some jokes, making each other laugh and chuckle. I was really enjoying the walk with Error until we came across something. "Hey Error look! I think there's something over there" I said, pointing at some flared magic I saw behind a tree. I grabbed Errors hand and we went to take a closer look. When we were right in front of the mysterious thing, I recognized it as a portal. But this didn't look like Errors, Inks, nor his own, so who could have made the portal?

"Um... nightmare?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I realized I was still tightly gripping on to Errors hand. I felt my face heat up into an explosion as I swiftly let go of Errors hand and turned away so I wasn't facing him. I took a peak over to see a confused Error but than I quickly redirected my focus back to the portal in front of us. "Should we... go in it?" I asked Error with a questionable look. Error took a minute or two before he replied "idk. It looks safe enough, so maybe it would be fine to just have a look?" Error said, not quit sure about his own answer. I actually wanted to go trough the portal. Things have been a bit of a bore lately and maybe this could be a little, fun, and exciting adventure. But than again there is the possibility of something really bad happening. "I think it's worth checking out" I said with as much confidence as I had in me "maybe it could even be fun!" I stated, trying to get him on board. Error than sighed with his reply "I guess you're right, I guess let's go than." I was overjoyed to see that he had agreed and so we both went into the unknown portal together.

I saw only pitch black and darkness, before I started to open my eyes. I think I'm in an... alleyway? I'm not quite sure, I look around to confirm my surroundings and it was indeed and alleyway. I heard a groan and walked over to see a human, strongly resembling Error, sitting on the ground with his back to the wall. "Nightmare... that you...?" As soon as I heard that familiar, beautiful, soothing but glitchy voice I love so much, I automatically knew it was Error. But it confused me, why did Error look human. Error had beautiful, white, smooth hair with dark blue highlights. On his face he still had his dark blue line marks, meaning he could probably still use his strings. Error was still wearing the same cloths from beforehand, his hoodie and shirt under, except the fact that he now wore jeans and sneakers instead of shorts and slippers. Errors eyes where the same color except he now had human eyes, gosh he was so hot right now. Than I suddenly realized that I was probably also human, I wonder how I look like.

Errors POV

I looked at Nightmare as he closely inspected me. I was also closely inspecting him and his features. Nightmare now looked like a human, it was a bit weird to me. Nightmare had black hair with some dark green tips, he has some wacky hair. I noticed his hair covering his left(don't know if that's the right eye or not, I forgot) eye which looked really nice to be honest. His eyes looked to be a mixture of dark green, and black. He wasn't goopy anymore but it seemed he still should have all his powers. Nightmare had on a black hoodie with a white shirt underneath. He also was wearing a pair of jeans with a silver chain hooked, going across from one side of his leg going to the back, from the side. He was also wearing sneakers and he really looked like a human.

I slowly got up so I wouldn't get dizzy, like I would if I stood up to fast, using the wall behind me for some support. I than saw nightmare offer me a hand and a gratefully except it. As we were planning to leave the alley as it was currently night time, we heard a loud crashing sound coming just from the end of the alleyway.

(So that was to prologue, should I continue this story?)

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