Chapter 3

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Errors POV

I was walking close behind Error as we were walking to a room for the exam explanations. I don't exactly trust or really like this guy, Izuku. Nightmare seemed to take a bit of a liking to him, which kind of upset me. 'Wait why am I upset? Nightmare just made a new friend...' I thought a little, 'am I... jealous?' What no way! It's not like I have feelings for Nightmare. Me and nightmare are just really good friends and comrades. Yes! Just friends!

We neared closer until we reached the room. We went in and sat down. I took a seat to the left of nightmare, still tightly clinging to him. Nightmare didn't seem to mind one bit, so I just kept clinging to him.

I than heard a really loud voice and new that the explanation was starting. The man was extremely loud, I could feel myself going death. He said his name was 'Present Mic', and he explained the robots we would be fighting and all the things we needed to know.

~Time Skip~

Nightmares POV

Me and Error were very lucky to end up in the same arena. I saw everyone getting their quirks ready for battle. Me and Error were preparing to battle. I entered my corrupt form, as the goop slowly dropped down my body, covering my body and encasing it in negativity, my tendrils sticking out my back. Error also got his strings ready for battle. We saw the other people look at us in a strange manner, which I just shrugged off. 

I heard the whistle to start blow and me and Error quickly dashed off, into the arena. Error started by tangling up the robots and than either piercing them with a bone, blasting them, or he would slice them in half with his strings. Errors strings were surprisingly really hard, sharp, and could cut through basically anything. 

I went and dived into a mob of robots, piercing when left and right with my tendrils. Me and Error watched each others backs as we got our points quickly. We than heard a loud bang and felt the floor shake. We saw the zero pointed coming our way. I smirked at Error as he just smirked back. I knew what he was thinking and I totally agree, we were gonna take that zero pointer down!

Error tied his strings all around the robot, trapping it and also using his strings to walk on, to get around faster. I started stabbing it with my tendrils as Error start throwing bones and blasting it. I would lie if I said I didn't find joy in destroying this large hunk of metal, everyone else seemed to be terrified of. The fear of the people were only making me much stronger and I inflicted much more damage now.

After taking the big robot out, we already had about 80 or more points and we were set to go. Me and Error than heard a loud clashing sound in the distance. I sensed some fear coming from the direction of the noise. I realized that Izuku was in that direction. "I hope Izuku didn't do anything stupid" i stated, not wanting to lose the friend I just made moments ago.

"Yeah, you seem to like being around him..." Error said a voice filled with... jealousy? What? there is no way! right? could Error actually like me back! I than felt myself lighten  up in joy at the mere thought of him liking me back. I than realized that I might be over thinking things and getting ahead of myself. But even so! I still wanted to believe he liked me back! even if I'm wrong, for now I'm going to keep that thought. I was now beaming with happiness, the amount of light my joy was emitting would put the sun to shame.

~Time Skip~

Errors POV

Strange adventure(Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ