chapter 4

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(I know it might be weird but Nightmare and Error are still going to have their colored yellow and green blush)

Nightmares POV

I was currently in my seat, waiting for our first lesson to start. I glanced over at Error. He was playing with his strings and the puppet of me he had recently made.  Error seemed to really enjoy having the puppet of me around, he was so adorable when he looked so happy.

I heard running and I looked towards the door just in time to see All Might make a really dramatic entrance into the classroom. "I AM HERE!" All Might than explained about our training.

We grabbed our costumes and went to the changing rooms. Mine and Errors lockers were right next to each other. 'OMG I get to see Error shirtless!' I felt my face blush a deep green as my thoughts went wild. I removed my own shirt and then glanced at Error, who looked extremely uncomfortable. I noticed that people were staring at my scars, 'OH! that's the problem!' I quickly changed and decided to go to the little being next to me. I saw him starting to glitch out a lot, so to prevent a crash I gave him a BIG comforting hug. I then decided to use my tendrils as a little shield so no one could see him change... except me of course! I wasn't going to miss an opportunity like this!

My hero costume was just a black jacket, a white shirt underneath, some finger less gloves, Blacked, ripped jeans, some sneakers, and the signature chain I always wear because it looked cool. Error's costume was a long sleeved coat, the sleeved drooping down as they were bigger then his arms, with a criss cross sowed in pattern. He wore a red shirt underneath and a long, blue scarf on his neck. His pants were just black pants and normal sneakers. Not gonna lie, his coat kinda looked like a pirate captain coat. I let out a small giggle at my comment.

All Might than partnered us up, putting one team as a villain team and the other as a hero team. We were partnered up against Kaminari and Jiro being the hero's, leaving me and Error as the villains.  I thought this role fit us very well because we are former bad guys.

Me and Error decided to come up with a plan to protect the weapon. Error than placed his strings all around the room and than started moving down to cover the rest of the building. I stayed with the weapon to protect it with my tendrils just in case they got through the strings.

Error's POV

 I was walking down the building, placing my strings everywhere. I couldn't help the fact that for the past few days I have been very distracted. I get this unidentified feeling when i'm around Nightmare, I don't really understand it that much. I do know a bit about this feeling, and that is that it makes me really happy. Love... I think that's what I feel around him. I'm not to familiar with this feeling, but I like it. 'Maybe I should ask Nightmare about it...' I felt my face heat up into a yellow blush. W...What? My mind was filled with Nightmare. Why do I feel so nervous about asking Nightmare such a simple question?

I finished up the floor I was on and then felt a slight pull on one of my strings. I looked around to see Kaminari and Jiro carefully inspecting the strings. I pulled on one of the strings and tied them both up. "W-what?!?!" Kaminari looked confused with a hint of shock mixed with fear.

"Damn, we let our guard down and got caught" Jiro sighed in defeat. 

"Sorry... but hey! You tried and that's something!" I said, trying it lighten the mood. I then proceeded to tie the two up with the capture tape. I pulled on the signal string to tell Night that I had successfully caught them. Our turn was now over and we decided to just sit down in the waiting lounge. There was no need to see the other fights.

Nightmare then spoke, "So what's on your mind?" I tilted my head in confusion at his question. I saw a tint of... blush? Nightmare then turned his head to the side before clarifying what he men't. "I mean, you looked quite distracted during the exercise, so I just wanted to make sure you're okay..." I then understood what he men't and felt my face heat up. 

"U-uh... yeah! I was just uh..." I couldn't think of a believable excuse to tell him. I couldn't tell him that I was distracted because I was thinking about him. I put my knees to my chest and then rested my head in my hands before lowering them to rest on top of my knees. 

"Can't think of an excuse?" I felt my face completely flush a yellow blush as I refused to look at Night. I just shook my head 'no', not being able to talk at the moment. I was filled with embarrassment at the moment.

Nightmare's POV

I saw Error, knees to his chest with his face resting in his hands and then his hands residing on top of his knees. "Can't think of an excuse?" I asked him. Error slightly shook his head 'no' in response to my question. No matter how hard Error tried to hid it, I still saw how flushed Error's face was. By now my face was also a dark green. Seeing this side of Error was making my soul skip a beat, my face continued to darken. "Y-you know you could just tell me Error" I tried to reassure him. 

Error slightly lifted his head, revealing his flustered face. I was now also facing Error, he seemed to notice I myself was also very flustered. "W-well... ummm... I-I was ummm..." Error couldn't seem to get the words out and his blushed got even darker, I didn't even think it was possible at this point. I then noticed Error now glitching to a very bad extent. I grabbed Error into a hug and pulled him close to my chest so his head rested on my chest. 

"You don't have to tell my if you don't want to." I said in a calm, low, and soft voice as to not startle the little god resting in my arms. Error seemed to calm down as his eye's slowly seemed to fall heavy. In a matter of minutes, Error was now resting on my chest, sleeping. I gently picked him up, as to not wake him, and placed him on my lap. I hugged him in closer and then planted a small kiss on the top of his head. "Good night, Error" I then looked out the window as the sun was slowly starting to set.

(Hey guys, I will be adding lots more fluff starting from this chapter. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day ^-^)

Strange adventure(Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora