Chapter 10

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Nightmares POV

Error and I were currently sitting in our desk in our classroom. The rest of the class was also sitting down and for once there was no drama or arguing. This must be do to the fact that some of them must still be pretty shook from the USJ incident. I am assuming that we will have a substitute, as Mr. Aizawa was badly injured. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the class door swung open. The class, including me and Error, look towards the direction of the door to see who our substituted would be.  We were beyond shocked, as well as the rest of the class, when we saw Mr. Aizawa walking to the front of the class.

"M-Mr. Aizawa! Are you sure your alright to be teaching?" Izuku, well Deku, as he insisted we call him, asked with much concern. 

"I'm fine. Let's get today's class started" Mr. Aizawa reassured. 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. Mr. Aizawa took a bad beating! He had both his hands heavily casted and his face was completely bandaged, except an un-bandaged eye, so he was able to see. 

"Alright, as some of you may know, the sports festival is coming up. This is a good opportunity to impress hero agencies. I expect all of you to give it your all!" Mr. Aizawa explained. Sports festival? What is that? I looked over at Error and he also seemed confused.  

"The sports festival is still going to go like normal? Aren't they going to take the USJ incident into account?" Deku asked again. He sure seems to question lots of things. I let out a small sigh.

"Yes we know of that, but this is a big event. We can't afford to put it off just because of the incident." Mr. Aizawa replied. So this seems to be a pretty big event. I wonder how big of a competition me and Error can make this. . .

I give Error a competitive glance, which he looked at and then returned. Though me and Error's skills are slightly flawed, we still have thousands of years more experience! Why did we have such difficulty in the fight then? Well, though we still have more experience then these kids, I did notice that ours powers were weakened when we turned human. Errors more then mine, as it greatly effected his teleportation. 

Me and Error returned our attention as Mr. Aizawa continued speaking. "The sports festival will be tomorrow, I suggest you guys get ready." Mr. Aizawa then turned and proceeded to the class door. He walked out the door and the rest of the day went as usual. Bakugou did stir up some beef with class 1-B, but I wasn't too worried about it.

~Time Skip~

Our class, along with many other classes, were all heading to the Sports festival arena. I have to admit, the arena was incredibly huge! As we gathered up, I saw some class 1-B students looking very determined to beat our class. A weird lady came up to the higher plat form and started welcoming us. She brought up Bakugou to represent our class, class 1-A. I could already feel everyone's negativity radiating off them, they really didn't want Bakugou to say something dumb. 

Everyone waited with anticipation, ask Bakugou got up to the mic. "I pledge..." he took a short pause, "to be number one."

Oh, the negativity get exploded after that one sentence! Our class was all freaking out about his words and everyone else was beyond pissed! I wouldn't be surprised if Error felt the negativity clouding the air! All the negativity was indeed, very useful in strengthening my powers! Bakugou then walked off like it was nothing! I indeed admire his confidence, but, he's too much of a cocky brat to ever live up to a good hero. 

Midnight then proceeded to explain the first event. We were going to do a race. Me and Error wanted to compete for number one, but felt that we shouldn't mess up the timeline too much and compete for a lower rank. We both decided to compete for the rank of Thirteen and the loser had to listen to whatever the winner wants! We both agreed to this and waited as the timer ticked down. 

3. . . 

2. . . 

1. . .


Just like that, everyone went rushing off, all competing for the first place. Well, except me and Error. Though we could most likely get first with ease, we didn't decided to let the timeline go as normal. Well... as normal as we can let it. 

Me and Error were running with the rest of the crowd, toe to toe. After some running, we encountered our first obstacle. There where some huge robots blocking the way. I felt the negativity of a few people, looking pretty terrified. I let myself be covered in negativity, before preparing my tendrils of pure negativity, for battle. Error as well got his blue strings ready for battle. 

Now our competition will truly begin! The competition for Thirteen place.

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