Chapter 9

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(Im actually surprised about how many people read this -_-  I guess, thank you reading this garbage ^-^, also, picture above is not mine, it belongs to the rightful owner.)

3rd person POV

Error ad Nightmare had just made it to their apartment. Error got Nightmare settled on the bed, before going into the kitchen to make Nightmare some food.  

As Error was preparing to heat up pizza from the day before, cuz neither Nightmare nor Error knew how to cook, he couldn't get the events from earlier out of his mind. How was he going to deal with it?

Errors POV

I put the pizza in the microwave, cuz if I'm being honest, my cooking brings death upon anyone who eats it. As I set the time, I couldn't stop thinking about  how Izuku is never going to stop bugging me about the 'goopy skeleton' think. This is making things so much more complicated then they were suppose to be! 

I heard the beep of the microwave. I pulled on the handle and opened it, taking out the now hot food that was last nights dinner. I close the microwave before walking to the door of the room I had placed Nightmare in to rest. I quietly turn the knob and opened the door with a small squeak noise. I walked into the room to see Nightmare laying on his side. I walked up to him, plate in hand, lightly tapping his shoulder to gain his attention.

Nightmares POV

I was resting in the room. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I slightly turned my head to look at Error standing next to me, plate in hand. "I heated up some pizza, do you want to eat it?" Error asked me, displaying the plate with pizza on it. I gratefully accepted it with a quite 'thank you'. 

I took a small bite, burning my, now human, tongue. I quickly move it away with an aching tongue. I heard a small giggle coming from the small one, sitting next to me. "You gotta wait until it cools, you numbskull!" He said, between his giggles.

I felt a dark blush form across my face, now embarrassed and flustered as well. "Ya... got it..." I whispered, as I turned my face, that was now completely flushed, and hurried it in my hoodie. 

Error calmed down his giggles. "Awww, I'm sorry Night. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Error said in his unbearably cute and glitchy voice. This only caused me to become more flustered, if that was even possible. 

"A-actually, I don't think I'm... that hungry..." I said, stuttering with my flushed face. I quickly shoved the plate in his hands before laying down and harshly tugging the bed sheets over my head. I then curled up in a visible ball, closing my eyes. Though I did feel a bit of a sharp pain, I decided to ignore it.

Errors POV

I was now looking at curled up Nightmare, shielding himself in the comfort of the bed sheets. I let out a sigh, before looking at the plate of pizza I was now holding. 'I guess I should put it to the side, maybe he might want it later'. I walk towards the small, side table, next to the bed and gently place the plate down. I retract my hands, focusing my attention back to the still curled up, Nightmare. I walk towards the blanket covered ball. I look at the time to see that it was 10:47pm. 

Even though the USJ was just attacked, we still got school tomorrow. I let out another sigh, before I decided to lay down. I sit down on the bed before I fall to my side. I was facing the opposite direction of Nightmare, as I slowly closed my eyes, watching as sleep took me over.

Nightmares POV

I felt a small, but light and annoying ray of heat, hit my face. I slowly opened my still heavy eye lids. I let out a small yawn, as I was still extremely tired. I waited a second for the tiredness to clear my morning, blurry vision. Once my vision was no longer blurry, I felt myself holding something. My arms were rapped around an object. I looked down to see what I seemed to be holding. 

When I looked down, I was surprised to see a glitchy little Error, sleeping peacefully in my embrace. My face instantly became flushed at the moment I realized that I was cuddling with Error! What should I do?! Should I wake him up!? Should I let him rest?! I was a flustered mess! 

Errors POV

I felt some slight and panicked movement, causing me to slowly lift my eyelids. I felt a pair of... arms? There was a pair of arms rapped around me. They seemed to slightly shake, as my morning, blurry vision cleared up, I stared to see myself cuddling to a chest. I looked up to see a flustered Nightmare, as I was laying in his embrace. 

Realizing the situation, I quickly moved away. "S-sorry Nightmare!" I apologized as he regained himself. 

"It's... f-fine" he reassured me, standing up. He seemed to slightly limp, but his health improved very well. 

At that moment, I remembered something important! "Hey Nightmare, can I check your soul. You know... so I can make sure your HP isn't too low." I asked, as I had forgotten about it because of all the events. 

"Uhh... ya, sure." He said. I stood up and walked toward him. 

"Check" Nightmares soul then floated out, as I looked at his HP. 

Nightmare Sans

HP- 148/200     

Atk- 85              Def- 274               LV- 58

-the king of Negativity and Nightmares. 

-is currently stuck in another multiverse with Error, god of destruction.

-made a truce with his brother, god of positivity and ended their fighting.

-is currently stuck as a human.

His HP doesn't seem to be too low, he should be good to go to school.  "You seem to have gotten most of your HP  back. We're going to have to get ready for school though." I informed him.

"That sounds like a plan." Nightmare replied. I gave him his soul back, before we both decided to get ready and head out to another day of school.

(This was kinda more of a small Errormare side chapter. I hope you enjoyed the chapter either way!)

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