Chapter 19 - Not myself

Start from the beginning

The rest of my family couldn't hear what was going on but I sure did, sometimes I really hated my hearing. So I decided to spend the night at Kelly's which was actually really fun.

Since heat wasn't a common thing in the pack, Rowan had insisted that the pack doctor came out to make sure Meg was alright. I thought it was a bit over the top, but Dad agreed. She hadn't left the house in about 3 days, but Rowan was keeping her busy, so she didn't get bored.

"Has he gone home?" I asked glancing at the sleeping pills on my bedside table, that I had been taking to make sure I could actually get some sleep.

"No he's in the shower." She muttered.

"Yay." I replied sarcastically, "and you're not with him?" 

"Sorry." She pulled back the covers and snuggled in beside me, "I just wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?" I yawned burying my head into her shoulder.

"You brought him here, and calmed the others down."

"Oh that, yeah." I mumbled with my eyes closed.

"Also, you said you wouldn't let Rowan near me if I didn't want it. Thank you."

I opened my eyes and looked at her and then I smiled, "I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Thanks baby sis, but I should be telling you that." She stroked some hair out of my face and then nuzzled my nose with hers.

"Sleeping." I groaned.

"OK, ok, then I should be getting back."

She shuffled out of my bed and walked towards the door, pausing to whisper 'goodnight' before she trailed back to her room. Luckily she did actually go to sleep after that, Rowan was there but they just slept, thankfully.

"I've never really understood the whole 'there's another person in their heads thing'." Kelly pointed out when we were standing in the bathroom at school the next day, "I mean don't you think it would be... crowded?"

"I don't think it's another person." I sighed trying to pull some knots out of my hair, "More like powerful emotions that wash over you."


"Well, that's what Aaron says." I quickly corrected glancing at her.

"Still I can't imagine shifting into a wolf."

"Why would you even try to imagine." I asked getting slightly irritated.

"Well haven't you?" she turned to smile at me, "imagine running with all of them in wolf form. Must be amazing."

"Yeah, must be." I said through gritted teeth. Happy thoughts, Happy human thoughts.

"Oh, if it isn't Kells and Goldie Locks." God, why do you hate me?

"What do you want Monica?" Kelly asked angrily.

"What I can't come into the girl's bathroom?" She stepped forward and looked down at Kelly, something easily done while wearing skyscraper heels, how do people walk in those, I would break the heel... or my neck.

"It's a free country." I grumbled turning to face her.

"Oh Goldie Locks, How's Aaron?"

"Fine thanks, last time I checked." I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

"Cause he seemed a bit tired after he left mine a few days ago." Okay, I think I just gagged a bit. First my sister, now my brother, what next my dog?

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