Chapter 4 - Caged In

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I don't usually write authors notes, cause I never really know what to say. So this chapter contains some harsh words, which I have to say is there, and I apologise if anyone finds some parts offence. The protagonist Sasha is currently not herself and I had to make this point clear in the chapter.


*not edited*

Life at home has reached a new level of hell on earth. It's been almost two weeks since those fucking idiots from the Darkmoon pack had arrived. 

Now I guess you wondering why I care so much, there's nothing wrong with visitors. They're friendly, they're nice, and it's a new face to add to my very small list of acquaintances within this lovely little town.

However, as long as they're in town I am forbidden to shift into my wolf. I mean unlike everyone else in my species, my wolf is blonde or golden as I like to say. If Hagan or his son saw a golden wolf they would immediately realise the big family secret and then we would all be screwed. 

This means that for 2 weeks, 10 hours and 45 minutes I have been stuck in my human form without getting any chance to shed my skin and take a run, what so ever. For the first few days I did weight training with my family, until a started to throw the metal plates at Nick because he started to sing loudly. Come on, he deserved it, imagine a wailing cat, gargling on nails, in a bucket of water and that's my brother singing.

Then I went running with Megan, human form, but for some reason I have always been a bit stronger and faster than the others in my family. Hell I'm even faster than my dad, so Megs gave up after 2 days. I went jogging on my own but after a while it seemed to not have the same calming effect on my wolf.

Which is the main reason I have gotten used to tapping my fingers on the top of the kitchen counters while biting my nails with the other. Two annoying habits in one.

Mum was making dinner with Aaron and Megs, all of them were throwing careful glances in my direction and it took all my strength not to snap at them to stop it.

Hey I became a bitch when I was being caged.

Dad was setting the table gentle putting the plates down, being as quiet as he could be. Now not only am I faster and stronger than normal werewolves but I also have slightly better senses, which means that even though he is trying to be quiet I can still hear every fucking clang of every fucking plate that he puts down!

Ok, ok. Breath. I just need to calm down.

Tap, tap.

Listen to annoying habit number one.

Tap, tap.

Squeezing my eyes shut and clenching the bridge of my noses I was about to jump up and leave to take a cold shower. Then the door flung open.

"Afternoon my lovely family!" Nick bellowed from the front door.

"Nick." Meg whispered angrily, glaring at her twin as he strolled into the room.

"What?" He asked looking at the other members of his family, noticing the tension he continued "okay who died?"

"Nick." Aaron hissed glaring at his brother.

"Woah there, what's wrong with everyone. The suns shinning the birds are singing, and you're all sitting here cutting, what's that, lettuce?"

"Got a problem with lettuce Nick?" Mum asked turning to her eldest, holding up the knife she was using.

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