Chapter 5 - You're a werewolf

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I've dedicated this chapter to UltraViolet-Light for being my first commenter and voter. Thank you :P


Oh no. Please if there is a God somewhere or some kind of deity or maybe even a little Buddha, would they be willing to let me reverse time to about 5 minutes ago.

A time machine would do nicely or you could just make the very large, very scary and very stupidly curious Alpha wolf vanish from right in front of me.

Oh and erase his memory too. 

I promise never again to misuse the sacred book that you have blessed my poor humble self with. I swear never again to think badly about another living soul. And I vow to never again harm my brother, Nick.

Okay maybe not the last one, but I promise about all the others.

The alpha had been drinking from the stream before I had arrived and he had slowly risen his head. Frozen with my tongue still dragging against the surface of the water, I watched him, holding my breath.

He seemed... shocked, well come on, who could blame him. It was like a human seeing a dodo sitting next to them suddenly at the dining table. It would be pretty strange.

And you wouldn't think it was real. You would think you were hallucinating. Yeah this could work.

Slowly rising my head I didn't take my eyes of him.

Just keep dreaming, dreaming, dreaming. I prayed silently copying Dora's song over and over in my head while switching the appropriate word.

He still looked confused; yes I might actually be able to do this. Thank you tiny Buddha!

With my head upright, I lifted my back paw from the ground and stretched it backwards. Snap. A twig, out of all the luck that I have a twig just happened to be right under my foot.

The noise echoed throughout my body and flinching slightly I saw the alpha's ear twitch. God Damn you tiny Buddha.

Without thinking my body spun around and with every ounce of energy left, I ran. The tiredness that I had been feeling was swept and replaced with a deadly fear.

How had I been so stupid not to have sensed him earlier! I was too far away from my family to call for help. The mind link we shared wasn't as strong as a pack's since there were less of us. Even if I did open it all they would feel was my emotions, which were all over the place at that moment.

I silently prayed to myself that Hagan's few pack members were too far away for him to contact. Or he was too shocked to think clearly.

My prayers weren't answered, at all; I could hear the loud thud behind me. My gut told me the chase was on and I was the poor victim.

The head start I was given, since Hagan had been shocked, and my amazing speed allowed me to get enough distance between us so I was safe.

But I kept running blindly through the forest. It was quiet.

The blood rushed to my head and it hammered in my ears like a marching band. My legs had turned to jelly and I couldn't even feel my feet as they protested with every step.

My vision began to blur and trying to breathe just became too painful to attempt. My pace began to slow but I still kept up a fast run as I carefully manoeuvred through the forest.

At first I ignored it. I thought it was just a black dot in the corner of my right eye. I didn't even hear him before he collided into my side spending me flying backwards to the ground.

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