Chapter 41 - Together

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The best things about long holidays is that when you get back you have like 100 wattpad updates of all your favourite stories XD

It's fab!!!

Anywho, I apologise for the long wait but I should be updating a lot quicker now that I have nothing else to do with my life, YAY!!!!


I was standing alone by the cars, the smell of petrol filled my scrunched up nose as I tried not to breathe in the mind destroying scents. The petrol station was quiet, a few other people were standing around and I scanned the area for a familiar face.

Realising that everyone around me were strangers I sighed and lowered my head to my hands looking at the blank screen of my phone. Starring at the device I had this deep feeling that something was wrong and then I slowly lifted it closer to my face.

The model wasn't the one I currently had, it was old one, the one my mum had given me for my 12th birthday and the one that I had left behind in Darkmoon when I had ran away almost a year before.

A horrid sensation that someone was watching me crept up my spine and I quickly looked around again to see if anyone was watching me. Nobody was, but that creepy feeling stayed with me.

My gaze turned towards the woods that were behind the station, my eyes, they were drawn to the tall trees. Sliding the phone into my pocket I stood up and slowly started to walk towards them, a sense of déjà vu took over me as I got closer and closer.

Something was there, I could feel it, something was staring straight at me and with each step I took I could feel them moving about. My eyes darted across the mouth of the trees trying to find the source of my discomfort.

I hadn't realised how close I had got until a hand landed on my shoulder and I spun around to see Aaron staring at me.

"We're setting off again." He said watching me carefully.

"Oh," I looked back at the woods and the funny feeling was gone.

"You okay?" he asked following my gaze and tensing slightly.

"Yeah, just been in the car for too long." I smiled turning my back on the woods and I started to head to the horrid tin box I had grown to hate.

"Yeah, I'm swapping with Megs so she can take a nap in the back." Aaron grinned.


Aaron continued to walk towards the car and I saw that my family was gathered around the vehicle, Mum was talking to Luke about something and Dad was chatting with Nick. Megs smiled as Aaron approached and then she turned to grin at me.

A smiled back but then a breeze attacked me from behind, causing my hair to fly wildly around my face. Holding it in place the best I could I turned back around to face the trees and I saw something odd lurking right there.

I saw something, something moving, just at the edge of the woods. It was big and dark and as I watched it the creature that I once hoped was a bear moved out of the trees.

It was a wolf. A large black wolf, with vivid green eyes that held me in place and made my blood run cold.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked from behind me.

"Aaron." I gasped quickly, spinning around to face my family again but they were no longer standing there.

Instead they lay on the ground covered in blood with large feral wolfs standing above them, their noses stained red.

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