Chapter 1 - Guests

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*not edited*

I'm usually quite good at controlling my emotions; I've had years to master my jedi-like skills. Once, my poker face was able to last 5 hours, I could have gone longer but my elder brother began to tickle me. The one thing I can't stand is someone touching my sides, I just start laughing, like I'm rolling on the floor in hysterics 10 minutes after they've let me go.

So, now that I'm sat in the large family living room, squished between two oversized teenage boys and squirming madly, doesn't make me feel good. Just to top it off, I swear to God that Nick is deliberately trying to tickle my side even though I kept shooting death glares at him.

"Cut it out man." Aaron growled at my enemy, and I could feel his arm behind me shoving his brother a few millimetres from me.

Nick smirked but stopped his stupid game, allowing me to relax a bit, and then he slumped back on the sofa. Over 6 feet tall, and the size of an American rugby player he enjoyed forcing me into claustrophobic places. Nick and Aaron both had the same sumo wrestler build, they were tanks and being trapped between them wasn't the highlight of my day. Nick had brown hair that was left slightly long, going in all directions on top of his thick skull, and had probably not seen a brush in about 6 months.

Aaron, on the other hand, actually wanted to appear slightly human (family joke) and made sure that no glass would break when he looked into a mirror. His hair was black, a midnight black and was also left a little bit long, but it still looked maintained. Both of them had brown eyes, while I would describe Aaron's as a chocolate, I would have to say that Nick's was a mud colour. Kind of like the mud that you found on the floor underneath your foot.

"Nick." A stern voice made the three of us look up in the same direction.

A woman sat nearby, glaring at her eldest son, she had Nicks hair and eye colour, or should I say he had inherited hers. She was beautiful, overflowing with grace and elegance she sat tall and sophisticated. Beside her was a young teenage boy, he had given up on paying attention ages ago and was fiddling with one of the cushions that he had on his lap. Luke had his mother's and Nick's brown hair, except his was long, so long it could probably be put into a pony tail, a small one though. He had blue eyes, a deep blue very similar to the girl who sat on his left.

Copying her mother's posture, she sat up tall, a leg crossed over the other and her clasped hands gripping her knee. Black hair rolled down her back, the same colour as Aaron's, in pretty twists and swirls. Unlike her youngest brother, her attention was completely on the conversation taking place in the room.

The whole purpose for me being in the room was to hear the conversation but shoving the Oakley family into a room when they clearly didn't want to be there was never something a sane person would do. Well Mike Oakley didn't seem to care that his eldest sons were crushing me between their fat arms, he was too busy talking. Aaron and Megan both had their fathers black hair, and then Megan and Luke had his blue eyes. Megan was Nick's younger twin and in their 19 years, Megan had been given all the brain cells that Nick seemed to be missing.

The head of the Oakley family, Mike, was a large man like his sons, well bigger and stronger, just another tank to add to the room. Opposite him was another bulky man, not an Oakley, but he still had the same dark hair and overpowering presence as Mike. The bulky man was called Hagan Ashton, and we were currently sitting in our living room after the 'guest' forced his way in. Standing behind him, was Hagan's son Alec, like his father he had pitch black hair although he seemed to have inherited his mother's eyes, but since she wasn't there, I couldn't tell.

The hazel eyes were staring intently at his father, taking in every word and glancing at Mike when he replied. His arms were crossed over his chest making the black leather jacket rise up and the already stretched black cotton shirt pull back even more to reveal his muscular abs.

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