Chapter 7 - Promises

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I'm sorry it took so long to update, I had exams and deadlines, all the fun stuff. So thank you so much everyone who's reading and voting and I hope you enjoy the chapter. It's not a great one, but there are points that I needed to get across for the story to make sense in the future. :D


*not edited*

"Then I can leave my most prized possession, which just happens to be the complete works of Shakespeare," I nodded to Hagan, "to Megan, she would be the only one who actually looked after it. And then Luke, what the hell would I give him, oh he can have the bible back, I won't need that, and Aaron, you are taking notes right?"

"Mental ones." Hagan chuckled, taking his seatbelt of after 5 minutes of sitting in the car.

"You better have a good memory." I mumbled glaring at the calm looking Alpha, "I don't have time to write my will down on paper!"

"Why on earth are you making a will?" Hagan smirked stretching his arms forward.

"Hello! Have you met my mother! I'm dead! She is going to kill me! Dad won't stop her; he's wrapped around her finger! Mum's the strongest in the house! And I'm on her hit list!" I practically screamed throwing my arms in the air.

"I think you're exaggerating."

"Exaggerating! The woman's a devil!"

"I'm sure they're worried and maybe wondering why we haven't left the car in 10 minutes."

Glancing at the time on the dashboard I silently cursed, if I wasn't dead before I certainly was now. I was actually surprised that no one had come out of the house to get me themselves. 

Hagan had gotten out of the jeep and I could feel the ground below us tremble as we got closer to facing the She-wolf. Every step the Alpha took echoed in my mind as he made his way to my side of the car, the door creaked open and then a hand was held out for me to take.


Jumping down from the seat I looked up to the house and then down to the clothes I was wearing, or the single shirt. Gripping the edge of the fabric I followed Hagan as he made his way to the front door.

Before he even managed to knock, it was swung open, I was hidden behind Hagan but I could still sense my sister.

"Come in." She spoke quietly and I felt cold just imagining the look on her face.

Hagan strolled in with me on his tail, we both stopped a little way into the house and Megan closed the door behind us without saying a word.

It was silent.

My sister was bare foot as she padded to my side, glancing at her I didn't see a smile but she wasn't frowning either. Her eyes were slightly red, making it looked like she had been rubbing them or it could have been stress, she gave me a once over before looking me in the eye.

"You okay?"

I nodded and her face broke out into a smile, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders squeezing them tightly, from the contact I could feel her trembling. Letting me go she turned to look at Hagan and she bowed her head in respect.

"My Dad and older brother's aren't back yet, Mum's in the kitchen. Come on."

Damn it, Aaron's not here! There goes my last ally!

"Lead the way." Hagan smiled and gestured for Megs to head to the kitchen.

We walked in silence and I really wish that the kitchen could have been on the other side of the house, but alas we only had to walk through an arch. But I was not expecting to see what I did.

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