Celebrity!Shadow X Reader - @Undertalelover9512

Start from the beginning

Already sitting there and look rather impatient was a (f/c) (a/t); she had her back to the walking duo, but Shadow could see she was wearing her (f/c) dress with matching shoes; her hair was done up nicely as well. The girl was currently tapping her foot, glancing out the large glass window in wait for Shadow's arrival.

"Here you go." The waitress smiled, placing the menu on the table, "I'll be back to take your orders in a moment."

And with that she left, disappearing out the back to join the rest of the staff. Shadow nodded to her, before taking his seat in front of the (a/t). She jumped and faced him, blinking,

"You're 15 minutes late." She said, leaning on her hand.

"I... Yeah I'm sorry." Shadow said with a sigh, "The fans attacked..."

As he said that, the waitress could be heard freaking out in the back of the restaurant. The other diners turned to look at the kitchen whether it be in annoyance or curiosity; Shadow felt himself shrink down slightly as his point was proven. The (a/t) only rolled her eyes, tapping her finger impatiently on the table.

"Mhm..." She said, turning her eyes to the menu, "As they always do."

"(Y/N) I'm sorry." The hedgehog said, taking her hand, "I tried to get here on time."

The (a/t) closed her eyes, shaking her head, "We've talked about this Shadow, your status is... It's getting between us, ruining every single plan we make together. It's growing tiring... Tonight you were meant to prove it won't get in the way..."

"I know, but I'm here now." Shadow said, "Everyone's fashionably late."

He leant down, kissing her hand. The girl sighed again, before offering a small smile; pulling her hand away she gave him a pat on the head. He returned the smile, before they both searched through the menu and made their choices. The waitress came back, her hair a frizzled mess. She apologised for being loud, before taking their order.

Once they were done, she asked if she could possibly get a photo. The hedgehog hesitated, not wanting his status to ruin the planned date, seeing the look of jealously flash through (Y/N)'s eyes. She said nothing, keeping her eyes on her menu.

"My apologies." Shadow said, "But I'm here for a date, I'd like it not to be interrupted."

"O-Oh! Of course." The waitress' cheeks turned red and she rubbed her head, her tail swished behind her and she bowed, "I-I'll get your meals out to you straight away. I'm sorry for the inconvenience..."

She rushed away, her ears pinned to her head and she only took Shadow's menu. Did she even take (Y/N)'s order...?

Shadow turned to face her, raising a brow, "Please tell me she didn't forget about you..."

"Oh no no no, why would she ignore me?" The (a/t) asked sarcastically, before getting to her feet, "I'll be right back..."

She turned on her heel and walked over to the kitchen doors, catching the leopard waitress and striking conversation. Shadow let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair. Dammit all to hell, being famous was really not worth it, not when it affected his life like this.

The others didn't mind the invisibility when around him, they saw it as a chance for silence in public. But (Y/N)... She's never been famous, not like Sonic or Knuckles or Silver. She's always been invisible to the world, always ignored and pushed to the side whenever she's in public with Shadow. Any time they go out for a date, be it for the movies, or a nice dinner; they are always interrupted by fans, they always push her away to get to Shadow.

He hated it himself, she deserved so much more than what she got. And he was meant to prove that it won't always be like that; they had planned this date to be on a day when the media were busy with other news; they had planned for the restaurant to be silent; they had planned everything to try and avoid this problem. It hadn't worked.

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