30: Lyrical Wonders That Rival Those Of Pretty Ricky

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Chapter Thirty: Lyrical Wonders That Rival Those Of Pretty Ricky


I had been home for a whole two days and my sister was already trying to set me up on blind dates. Ignoring the fact that I was still running on LA time, Sage insisted that I spend the day with her and Blake at the mall. "No," I told her, "I don't know this Blake character and I don't want to know him."

Sage doesn't like the word 'no' .

I mean, I didn't have anything personal against this Blake kid except that he was a pawn she was using to distract me from Tyler. Skillfully I avoided all her invites to hang out with various gay friends of hers.

I glanced down at the fragments of lyrics spread across the page. Moments. These were moments that belonged to Tyler and myself. Sharing them seemed wrong, but it felt so freeing.

And I need you to trust
That I'm lost and we must
Get past all these rules

There wasn't a doubt in my mind that I loved (love) him. He's been every other thought in my mind for what seems like forever. We weren't together because of him. What was truly stopping him?

We must choose

He made his choice. I honestly believe that one day I can feel a little less empty. I can't see this pain ever going away but with time it can diminish.

To reach out and touch

Last night I had a dream about him, in my dream we slept together. Not sex. But slept.

Standing in the eye of the storm

His toned arms wrapped securely around me. I had looked up at him and told him goodbye.

My eyes start to roam

And in this dream, he began to fade. He didn't fade quickly. He gradually disappeared as I watched.

To the curl of your lips

Eventually he was gone and I was alone in my bed.

In the center of eclipse

I woke up, my face was wet with tears.

In total darkness I reach out and

"Troye!" my mother hollered from outside my bedroom. I jumped, dropping the pen from my hand. I'd been acting like a hermit since I got back, just thinking and writing. I'd never thought of it before but my relationship with Tyler was perfect song writing material.

"Yeah? Come in," I closed my notebook and smiled at my mom.

She had that we need to have a talk look on her face.

"You've been in here, in the dark since you came home," she tugged the thick curtains open, "Seriously! Honey, you need to go have some fun."

I knew who was the reason for my mother's concern.

"I'm not going to the mall with Sage," I protested, flipping through my notebook.


"Ma, I'm really on to something, okay? This is my calling, what I'm meant to do..." I stopped on a blank page, "Music. I can turn my life into something people want to hear."

"You already sing all the time, I don't understand-"

I cut her off, "This is different."

"Troye, you have tons of people who love you and your music. Please, go with Sage. It will make me feel better. Please?" When Mama Mellet resorts to begging, its always serious.

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