34.2: 99 Problems

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Chapter Thirty-Four Part 2: 99 Problems & A Drunk Escapade Ain't One (For Once)


A week later and Joey is still thriving in my living room. Not that I mind, the company has been nice. Things have been weird with Connor lately, rarely does he ever answer my calls. His tumblr is full of a perfect mix between beautiful photography and depressing quotes.

Hannah has been busy with a movie project, and it's been awkward with Kory as of the whole Troye ordeal.

So I feel very friendless at the moment. The people I love most are slipping farther and farther from my grasp. I miss how things use to be, it was all so simple. If I could rewind back to a time when me and Troye sat in the dark holding hands and giggling like school girls. That time is long gone. Never again will those special nights come to be, never again will I feel the warmth of his hand in mine.

I ruined this.

I ruined him.

Almost if one que, Joey interrupts my inner monologue, "Tyler?"

"Yes, Joey? Need something?" I tried my best to imitate my usual happy-go-lucky self.

He slips into the room looking like he'd been dragged out of hell and hadn't showered in days. Joey looked bad.

Not in a 'looks are everything' way but in a 'I need psychiatric help' way.

"Nah, not really," his voice was hoarse and cracked, "Just wanted to talk."

"I'm all ears, Graceffa."

He sat down on the floor against the wall, I joined him and put a comforting hand on his.

"Are you finally gonna tell me what the hell is going on with you?" I nudged him, smirking.

"Sorta," he smiled, "I liked this guy, who is friends with both of us. He's so sweet and kind, funny and smart. Of course, I knew he was straight..."

Joey was silent for a few moments before continuing.

"...but he got drunk one night. Really, really drunk. I was tipsy. And he made a move on me. Tyler, I couldn't help myself- I should have though. I knew he was talking to someone. But I went for it anyway."

"Y'all had sex?!" I interjected, "Who?"

Joey continued as if I hadn't spoken, "The next morning he was so upset. And he told me it all was a mistake. He's not gay. He can't be with me, that's what he told me."


"He cried. He was disgusted..."

Who? who? WHO?

"Sawyer will never forgive me."



"Sawyer...like our Sawyer? Of the Hartman variety?" I gasped.

He nodded, "I've loved him for so long."

"Joey, he's straight..."

"I know," he looked up at me, "We're both chasing impossible love, aren't we?"

I laughed, although I felt like my insides were on fire. I knew Joey was right. He was chasing after a dream, and so was I.

The faster we could both move on, the better.


That night I didn't dream about Troye, it was just darkness.

Author's Note: I have different plans for the sequel. The sequel will still be called Gasoline, but it will be a collection of short stories about different encounters between Troye and Tyler starting from the end of this book, until recent. Because a lot has happened. A lot. I want to capture it in the same silly, lusty manner as this one. But here's the big news: there's a third book in the making right now. It takes place when Gasoline ends and it will be a book like this one. This isn't the end of Troyler, you guys. Stick around and this OTP will return shortly.

We're closing in on the last chapters of this story that literally changed my life. I was in a really bad place when I started this, this was my therapy. I read all my comments all the time, you guys make me so flipping happy. I'm getting to a much better place mentally, I'm starting to take care of myself. I know I took a while to write this story. Years, even. I'm excited for what's to come with these characters.

Stories currently in the works

Gasoline: a collection of short stories about troyler that take place after OTP but before Blue Neighborhood. It'll have everything from the Italy trip to their most recent collab. It'll be to catch us up with everything that went on with these characters up until the next book. And yes, there will be Tronnor drama.

Blue Neighborhood: The third installment, which already has some ideas in the works. I don't wanna give too much way though.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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