16: Sexual Innuendos & Breadsticks

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Chapter Sixteen: Please Stop With The Sexual Innuendos And Finish Your Breadstick


Joey impatiently tapped on the steering wheel, staring at his reflection angrily since Hannah wasn't yet in the car for him to glare at. We had only been waiting two minutes before he got annoyed, "Damn it," he grumbled, "why the hell is she taking so long?"

Sawyer spoke up, "Its Hannah, Joey. We can't all be as punctual as you."

Troye was sitting to one side of me and Connor sat on the other, Sawyer somehow managed to be squished in the back with all the miscellaneous bags. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable if it weren't for Korey sitting in the front seat. Of course Korey wasn't acting awkward or uncomfortable. He was just being normal. Painfully normal.

"You okay?" Korey said, his question directed at Joey. Concern painted his face when he didn't respond.

Before anyone could press the subject further, the door next to Connor opened and Hannah grinned sheepishly at me. Then she turned her attention to everyone else in the car, "I'm so so sorry, I tried to sleep through a hangover and apparently I just woke up."

Connor grabbed her arm and pulled her in, we all laughed when she fell on top of our laps.

"Living every queer's dream!" she exclaimed, striking a pose.

Once we began driving again, I couldn't help but to notice Joey Graceffa wasn't acting like Joey Graceffa and it was becoming a problem. Normally I would be the first to pry and to demand what was going on but the way he gripped the wheel... I knew something serious was happening behind the scenes. Slowly I think everyone noticed. Connor stopped talking and put his headphones in, Hannah awkwardly stared down at her hands, Sawyer texted, and Troye kept his face turned to the window. The only one of us who kept talking happened to be Korey, and his focus was also on Joey.

Time passed too slowly in the quiet considering this group of people usually were the loudest. When we arrived at Antonio's Italian Restaurant everything mysteriously went back to normal. Joey, being his cheerful giggly self, Sawyer vlogging, Hannah, Connor, and Troye were involved in an intense conversation. All as if the little blip in Joey's personality never happened.

Nobody noticed that I remained quiet, instead they all laughed and joked while we took our seats at the largest table they had. My attention kept shifting to each one of my friends. Could I really be the only one worried? Maybe I looked too far into Joey being angry. Maybe they all knew the situation and I didn't. There was a whole slew of possibilities.

"And here we have a very distracted Tyler Oakley!" Sawyer exclaimed, shoving his (very nice) camera in my face, "He's being a downer and not... conversating."

"Conversating isn't a word," Hannah interrupted, "But what do I care? Continue conversating."

I rolled my eyes and gave Sawyer's camera my best Tyler Oakley smile, "Hello, Sawyer's people!"

Joey beamed his pearly white smile at it when Sawyer pointed the camera in his direction. The smile didn't completely reach his eyes but he laughed and joked like normal Graceffa would.

The waiter eventually made his way over to us, "I'm terribly sorry we're unusually busy tonight," he apologized, placing two bowls of breadsticks on the table. "What would you like to drink?"

We all chose something alcoholic, apart from Joey and Troye. After he walked away, I turned my attention to Joey, "What's new?"

He shrugged, "Nothing really."

I nodded, waiting for him to add on to that. He didn't.

The waiter brought us our drinks and took our orders. I couldn't help but to be distracted though. Maybe I did worry too much. Most likely I had been over thinking the entire situation to distract myself from my own situation. How very philosophical of me.

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