8: Korey Helps Me Forget Life

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Chapter Eight: Korey Helps Me Forget Life


"Did...who did you kiiiiiiss?" Ricky dragged out the "i", which was usually cute, but right now not so much. I felt like the kindergartner that was caught holding Little Suzie's hand and everyone flipped shit.

Caspar smirked, "And you guys call me a slut."

Not only would my fans see this, not only would the entire YouTube community see this, but mom would see it. My mother. The woman who birthed me. The woman who thinks a year younger is too much, she'd have an aneurism if she found out how old Troye was.

That conversation wouldn't go very well.

And Korey. What would he think? We kissed the last time I was drunk and got a tad bit frisky. Its not like we're dating, but what would he think?

"It was..."



The name just wouldn't pass my lips. Now everyone's eyes were on me. I never acted like this. Usually, the normal Tyler Oakley would brag about this. I could tell these guys anything and everything. Was it the picture? It shouldn't matter if my guys knew.

"Just some guy," I laughed quietly, "I can't remember his name."

The lie slipped off my tongue easier than the truth, for sure. Nausea returned. I lied to my friends.

"Oh, okay."

They all returned to their social media-ing and forgot about the picture.

My phone seemed to burn in my pocket, I took it out and sent a quick text to Korey. Because Korey helps me forget life.

Tyler: Koreyyyyy, I'm coming over(;

I stood up and smiled politely at the guys, "Thanks for having me, cuties, but I must run."

"Aren't you waiting for Zoe, Alfie, Troye-"

I cut off Connor before he could continue, "Tell them I will see them later."

My phone buzzed as soon as I got settled in my car.

Korey: Aight, boo :*

It was only last night that I kissed Troye in this very spot. His hands on me had sent permanent chills through me. And his lips. His lips.

God bless.

They deserved their own fucking YouTube channel.

Before I knew it, I was parked infront of Korey's hotel. I'd spent the entire car ride thinking about Troye and his damned mouth.

I stared at my reflection in my rear view mirror. Confused, scared grey eyes stared right back at me. It felt like I was back in school, still hiding in my claustrophobic closet.

Why was I so angry for wanting to kiss Troye? Why did I go to Korey for distraction when I wanted to stop thinking? Why, just why? None of this seemed fair.

A tap on the window distracted me.

Korey leaned in, smirking, "Whatchya doing?"

I laughed, "I'm not sure."

"Hm. Wanna come inside and drink?" I nodded and followed him to the door.

Once we were in his room, I grabbed his shoulders and kissed him desperately. This was our first sober kiss for sure. I had to get Troye out of my head and this seemed to be the only way.

He was shocked, then he just went with it. Kissing me back with equal desperation.

Troye's face kept bombarding my brain.

I tugged at his shirt and he helped me pull it off. In this short moment when we weren't kissing, I stared at him. He was a good friend, and an old crush.

Korey's eyes met mine and he unbuckled his belt.

Troye wasn't the one here with me, so why did I keep thinking of him?

Author's Note: Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I had an amazing birthday. All of those comments had me smiling for hours, by the way(;

I'm gonna apologize for this chapter. It's short and there isn't any Troyler. It's just sad. Haha...there is more drama to come, but also happiness, I promise. It really helps me when y'all comment about what you like/dislike about the chapters. I love you all like I love chocolate.

Thanks for reading, guys. Like 1.3K seems so unreal. And 72 votes o.0 it's insane. But please keep up the comments & votes! Pwease?

Thanks for everything!


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