Formal Appology/New Chapter Tonight

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So 2015 had been a long, time consuming year. Certain people close to me got hooked on drugs, I got into a serious relationship, I didn't have a phone for a minute, and I graduated high school, and I'm currently in college. Not all of the year was horrible, and all of your comments helped me through a lot of difficult times. I adore all of you, and feel like all of you are great friends of mine. The new chapter will be posted tonight, it is called "The Boyfriend Connor Never Told Me About". Book 1 of this Troyler Saga will end on chapter 35, but it will have a few bonus chapters. The second book will be up shortly after the end of the first.

I'm thinking of writing a book on either Joey's current situation, Connor, or Hannah Hart. Let me know in the comments.


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