32: Grinding On Strangers

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Grinding On Strangers And Dirty Motel Rooms


Multicolored strobe lights bounced off of the dancing bodies, jam packed like sardines in the middle of the floor. Literally everyone just had to surround the dj, being in the middle of all that was always the best part of clubbing.

There's something about the adrenaline rush you get when a ton of people you don't know bump and grind with you. Even without talking, without knowing their names you can still have the time of your life.

Like, yas bitch. Who needs to actually face their problems?

Not any of us.

Tonight I didn't feel like being the center of it all, I didn't want to be the life of the party. I just wanted to simply drink with two of my best friends and gossip. Talk about anyone other than myself, Troye, and that fucking fuckboy he's been chatting with.

Who names their son Jared?

"This place is always so...loud," Connor was already sipping on some green fruity drink and allowing his eyes to wander.

If I want mistaken, his suit-clad self was looking at a few boy toys.

But that's just my mind being wishfully creative.

But hey...You do you.

"See, Ty? Aren't you glad we kidnapped you tonight?" Hannah smirked and nudged me lightly.

(Well, lightly for Hannah.)

I grinned at her, "Thank you, kindly." I waged my eyebrows.

"Let's get wasted!" I hollered.

We made a bee line straight for the bar, and soon the sexy bartender greeted us with a smile.

"Paid for by the gentlemen over there," he passed Hannah a glass of something and gestured to the older men across the bar.

Hannah grinned and held up the drink toward the probably horny and ignorant men, "Thanks, guys. I'm gay, hope ya know you're not getting with this."

She proceeded to drink as the men sauntered away.

"Oh, come on!" I laughed, "They thought you were straight?"

"That's like if a girl flirted with Tyler," Hannah interjected.

I looked toward Connor who was starring down at his drink.

Something about him seemed off tonight, like he wasn't here.

I decided to deal with it later, when we weren't surrounded in people. For now, I'd just try to make him have fun.

And although hadn't drank anything yet but I was starting to feel better about the Troye situation.

Mama might actually be okay.

Then we ordered shots. And another round. And another. Eventually I just lost count.

Who the fuck cares, though?

Not me.

Despite being shitfaced, I managed to notice Connor, once again, staring across the room. He looked sad.

"Is Connor okay?" I glanced at Hannah who was mouthing the words to some rap song that was playing.

She shrugged, "Haven't you noticed? He's been like this for weeks."

"He was just fine earlier," I protested.

"No," she sighed, "he was acting, Tyler. He acts happy for a little bit, then he's back to...this."

Weeks? No.

I'd notice.

Was I to busy being wrapped up in myself and Troye that I didn't notice?

"You're Tyler Oakley, right?" I heard a voice from behind me, interrupting my train of thought. I turned around and saw Mr. Scrumptious himself.

I didn't know his name.

But Mr. Scrumptious works just fine.

"Uh, yeah. It me, I mean, yeah I'm Tyler. Hi," I looked him up and down, up and down again.

He was a few inches taller, lean and wrapped in a gorgeous silk button down and tight skinny jeans. His hair perfectly messy, and his skin like caramel I just wanted to lick...

"Aren't you gonna ask for his name?" Hannah whispered, "That's usually how introductions go."

"His name is irrelevant," I smirked at her.

He was a stranger. And a stranger was exactly what I needed.


Have you ever gotten to the point when you just know you've hit rock bottom?

Like, you previously thought you hit it then when you actually do you just know?

That me.

Right now.

I woke up in a shady motel room literally a few minutes ago. I'm half naked. Literally. I'm only wearing a shirt.

And its not even my shirt.

There's white powder spilled across the carpet.

White powder.

I'm praying to sweet baby Jesus that its face powder. Next to me is some guy I've never seen before (and never care to see again). Besides us, there's one other person I could see, passed out on the floor.

No one in the motel room was even remotely familiar and I had no idea what happened last night.

I remembered Mr. Scrumptious but he was no where to be seen.

"Oh, hey, Tyler," an oddly chipper voice greeted me. An oddly familiar voice...


Then it hit me.

I looked closer at the guy next to me and my stomach churned.

Mother fucking Wyatt.

Drug dealer Wyatt.

The man on my hit list Wyatt.

I stood up quickly, grabbing what I assumed was my jeans and yanked them up my bare legs.

"Graceffa. What the fuck happened last night?" I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Connor.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "You crashed with us after you had one too many shots of that icky stuff."

I felt nauseous, "I didn't...do anything? Did I?"

Joey looked confused, eventually his eyes bugged out of his head when he realized what I was asking, "Oooh!"

"Shh!" I urged when the sleeping drug dealer began to stir.

"I sure hope not," Joey whispered rather loudly, "I don't know, I was sleeping."

I glanced down at the powder on the floor, "Joey, please don't tell me..."

He glanced toward it too, "Tyler, I swear I don't do that kind of stuff-"

"But you associate with people that do!" I quietly chided him. If you lay with dogs you get fleas. I didn't want him heading down this path, I made a mental note to bring this up to Sawyer. Only if I could remember what happened last night...

"Let's go, Joey," After all of our stuff was together, we retreated to the parking lot outside.

He didn't look to excited, "Are you gonna drop me off at my house?"

I thought about this. I could...but Joey wouldn't want that right now, and if I brought him to my house I wouldn't be alone.

It was selfish but it wasn't.

"Nah, let's go to my place," I offered. This way neither of us had to be miserable.

A/N: Sorry it took so long xP thanks for enjoying my story. Its been a slow process but a fun one, now I must get started on the next chapter.

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