12: Let's Be Vampires

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Chapter Twelve: Let's Be Vampires And Not Sleep, The Sucking Is Optional


The ride home wasn't quiet or weird this time, conversation flowed easily, you know how it is. Troye went on excitedly about a new video he wanted to film. I loved that about him, how passionate he was. As he rambled, I could see how much he cared about his viewers. Not just his viewers but everything.

His phone rang twice and he ignored it. Both times. Usually I didn't pick up on little things like that. My cheeks burned. Whether it was from my noticing of Troye's attention on me or the proximity of us in general, I didn't know.

"I just feel really lucky," he said as we walked into my house, "we are both very lucky to be where we are."

"True, true," my kitchen was still a hot mess from this morning but I hurried passed it instead of dwelling. The rest of it was as I left it: semi-clean. An organized mess.

Troye leapt onto the couch at an impressive rate, almost taking up all three cushions. He smiled up at me, flashing his shockingly white teeth, "So I will sleep here?"

It sounded like a question and I had to literally bite my tongue before I said no. After what my fucking idiotic brain imagined, I couldn't possibly contain myself in bed with him. We slept in the same bed before...I couldn't possibly handle it now.

But I couldn't let him sleep on the couch.

"No, Troyesivan, you will sleep in my bed tonight and I will take the couch," I grabbed his hand to pull him to a standing position. Heat surged through my fingers, up my arm, and through my chest at his one touch.

He smiled very simply at me in appreciation. I glanced down at our intwined fingers where heat still seemed to be radiating, pulsating through my chest. I was high and slightly light-headed at the same time. Every nerve ending was a live wire, causing ever part of me to shake. Not my hands. My hands were stable and still in Troye's.

This moment seemed to last an eternity before my phone beeped and I pulled away from Troye. I felt immediate distance as our hands disconnected. Instead of checking my texts, I turned my phone off and tossed it onto my ottoman.

"Tyler it's fine, I've slept on plenty of couches-"

"Don't argue with me, Troye. I want you to sleep in my bed, I'm probably staying up late anyway," to emphasize my point I grabbed my laptop. I was very tired but I didn't want Troye to be uncomfortable on a couch all night. I quickly opened up tabs for Twitter and Tumblr and began scrolling.

"You're ridiculous, Tyler," he chuckled lightly.

Troye must have given up because I heard his very dramatic sigh followed by heavy footsteps into my bedroom. When the noise stopped I let my head fall against the back of the couch. My eyes began to flutter, images flashing across my mind. The kiss in the car, Troye's smile, the almost-sex with Korey, drunk Troye, ice cream, and big blue eyes.


I awoke to a loud crash and panicked breathing. It took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and realize I was in my living room. The breathing turned into gasping. I jumped to my feet and tried to make it through the hallway. Everything was dark and slightly unfocused.

My room emitted a small source of light, a pathetic lamp in the corner. Troye was laying in the center of my bed, grasping his chest, face contorted into that of pain or discomfort. I rushed to his side, climbing on my bed and shaking him gently.

"Troye, Troye, Troye," I repeated. My entire body began to shake with fear as my best friend continued thrashing. "Shhhh, Troye. Baby, wake up, wake up. You're just dreaming. Wake up." His eyes were clenched shut with tears spilling slowly from them. I could feel tears stinging my own eyes, fear taking over.

"Tilly?" he gasped and relief washed over me.

"Yes, yes, yes. Troye, I'm right here, you were dreaming!" I forced a laugh as I pulled him into a hug. Troye buried his face in my shirt, his shaky arms tightening around my waist. He was okay.

"I'm so sorry. Tilly, I'm sorry," he choked out.

My heart ached at his words. Sorry?

I kissed the top of his head, smoothing out his tousled hair, "Troye, it's okay." He sat up tentatively, slowly raising his eyes to meet mine. The fear and panic that was once there was replaced by embarrassment. I offered him a tender smile, "We don't have to go back to sleep."

"Tyler, I'm-"

"We can have that night in that we've been talking about for months. Netflix, junk food, and anything else you want!" I threw my arms out in a grand gesture despite the nagging exhaustion engulfing me.

He looked so vulnerable. His body was still shaking slightly.

Before he could protest, I grabbed the tv remote on my nightstand and tossed it at Troye, "Netflix?" he raised an eyebrow. I nodded and he began the process of choosing a movie.

I spent as little time as I could calming down in the kitchen. Troye was okay, it was just a bad dream. All the junk food I could carry I brought with me.

I returned with two bags of Doritos, a jar of Nutella, a box of Girl Scout cookies, and jug of apple juice. Troye grinned when I dropped the variety on the bed in front of him.

"We will be vampires and never sleep again. Forever we will thrive on junk food and each other's company," I laughed at my own stupidity, opening the bag of chips. The things I say surprise even me sometimes.

"The sucking is optional," he gave me his signature wink and I giggled. My face must've flushed a bright pink because Troye's grin just widened.

I climbed into bed, leaning against him to hide my blushing face. His arm slowly wrapped around me causing my nerves to do some interesting things. I tried focusing on the Doritos and kept eating. The Aristocats started playing and I smiled to myself.

"I love this movie," my voice caught, I became increasingly aware of Troye's arm around me, rubbing mindless circles on my back. Wherever he touched seemed to send heat waves throughout my body.

He grabbed the Nutella and the cookies, placing them in his lap to begin the process of eating unhealthy amounts of chocolate. Troye was so cute doing this, being completely focused on smothering each cookie with as much Nutella as gravity would allow. His brow furrowed, "Tyler?"

"Hmm?" I stuck another Dorito in my mouth.

"Thanks for like, everything..." he kept his eyes focused on the Aristocats opening screen but I could still see the appreciation on his face. I couldn't help but to smile.

I wanted to say many different things but I settled on nothing of importance, "Of course."

I could've said that his cute, little twink self had been on my mind all day, or even that his laughter brought me overwhelming joy. But I didn't.

As the movie came to an end, Troye was snoring and draped across my lap. There was a slight smile on his face, I brushed his hair away from his forehead.

"I think I like you, Troye Sivan. I think I like you more than I should."

A/N: I LOVE reading & replying to y'all's comments, I really do. It lets me know how you guys are reacting to certain scenes. And I love looking at your pages and reading your stories. (Sorry if I'm emotional) I couldn't love you guys more than I already do! I'm sorry about this chapter being kinda rushed.

And TYLER REACHED 500K FOR THE TREVOR PROJECT. Not only might we get a filmed Troyler kiss, but we saved so many lives!!! I love Troyler as much as all of you, but the fact that we banded together to save so many lives just shows me that we're the strongest, kindest fandom.

Please keep commenting/voting it really makes me happy. (:


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