1: Coming Out YouTube Edition!

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Chapter One: Coming Out, YouTube Edition!


I stared into the lens of the HD camera long after the video ended. A few hours from now I would upload my most well-kept secret and share it with the world. The entire world.

I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay.

It's not that hard to think the words, although it use to be. Just the mention of it made me guilty when I was younger. I know it's nothing anybody should be ashamed of, I just didn't know it. I needed my fans to know this about me, this huge part of who I am. If I could help at least one person from my closet-exiting video, I've done my job well.

A small smirk played on my lips as I pondered the possible effects of my coming out to the world. Everyone might just accept me and treat me with fresh cookies and milk.

Or they will shun me like homophobic assholes.

It was the later that I dreaded. Life never just handed me cookies and milk, I wasn't one of the fortunate treat receivers.

I thought back to the first time I came out to my YouTube friends.

We had been sitting around after filming a few collabs when I decided to inform them of the side of me that they didn't know. It was Zoe, Alfie, Jim, Tan, Tyler, and Joe.

They assumed I was joking at first but quickly learned I was serious. Zoe, Tan, and Jim hugged me trying to force out a tear or two, I think. Alfie and Joe just claimed they knew, then joined the hug-fest. Tyler said "Girl. Bring it to mama!" and hugged me. It was officially Hug Troye Day.

I cried a bit.

Okay, maybe a lot.

Gradually I told the other YouTubers and they all comforted me with open arms. Quite literally.

Since I told Tyler and Zoe about my sexuality, they both started sending me shirtless pictures of Harry Styles.

Not that I minded.

Harry Styles is sexy as fuck.

Although, my brother Tyde continuously tears down my Harry posters and hides them so I don't get to look at the British boy's face as often as I wish.

Note to self: thank Zoe and Tyler for the constant flow of pictures of One Direction.

"Are you done with your camera? I want to use it please!" Tyde peaked his head around my door.

I blinked as reality sank in and turned to face my little brother, "Almost."

He nodded and disappeared into the hallway.

"Goodbye to you, too." I said to myself as I heard him run into another room. I miss having energy like that! I felt so old and weak, my only exercise was typing on my laptop.

Actually, I was eighteen. Not old, but old if you know what I mean.

I reached for the camera positioned in front of me and sat it next to my computer, mentally preparing myself for the hours of editing I had ahead of me. Then the upload.

Oh, the upload. The 4+ hour upload.


Twitter was buzzing (chirping?) with activity #troyesivan was trending and I was pretty sure I was going to have a heart attack. I scrolled through the newsfeed, fans and YouTubers alike were posting about my video.

As I read through the tweets, I smiled despite my original nerves.

So many people thanked me for my bravery, so many told me their story. Suddenly all was right with the world.

My phone buzzed and Tyler's smiling, drunk face appeared on the screen of my phone. I remembered the night I took that picture, it was Zoella's birthday and we celebrated by drinking. Tyler more so than anyone.

I tapped the green 'answer' button and held it to my ear.

"Oui!" Tyler's cheery voice greeted me, causing me to roll my eyes.

He'd never stop with his mock-Australian lingo. I decided to respond with mock-American lingo of my own.

"Whazzuuuup?!" I exclaimed back, trying not to burst into laughter.

"Troye!" Tyler faked offense, "When has any American ever said that!"

I missed him. Australia and America were too far apart, it's not like I could drive my car across the ocean to get to him.

I would die.

Drown in a horrible, painful death because I missed some boy.

Regardless, I wanted to see my Tilly. Ever since that four hour conversation in Tyler's hotel room, we've been close. I had adored him before we knew each other, when I was just a subscriber wanting to start on YouTube.

It sounds creepy but I legit fangirled when he liked a post of mine on Tumblr.

Damn. I am creepy.

"So how's LA without me?" I stood, stretching my arms and legs. Sitting somewhere for a long period of time was obviously a terrible idea, muscles and bones ached as I draped myself across my bed.

"Girl!" he squealed, giggling, "Tyler is in LA, so it's still a partay!"

"Are you drunk?"

"Maybe," he giggled again.

Partying with that boy is a privilege, and I was slightly jealous of anyone who was with him.

"Korey, stop it!"

As if to spite me, God had to put Korey in the same room as a drunk Tyler Oakley.

Tyler was laughing to someone who was near him. Korey, his best friend. His best gay friend.

See, I knew he wasn't a bad guy, but I did not like Korey at all. I couldn't stand him although I never met him. Tyler seemed to have the biggest crush on him and what did Korey do? He flirted with him all the time and basically teased my Tilly.

Not okay.

"Sorry! I have to go, Troye. Stay beautiful!"

No more Tyler.

Korey was with him.

"Troye! Troye! Troye Troye Troye!" Tyde's voice shrilled from the opposite side of my door.

"Yes?" I sighed, still less than excited about Korey.

"Done with your camera-"

"Yes, Tyde." I pressed my fluffy green pillow to my face.

When the world wrongs you, just cuddle with a fluffy green pillow and realize that life could be simple. Just me and a pillow. Now and forever.

"Mom wants to know if you're okay," Tyde was now standing by my bed, probably grabbing my camera. I pressed the pillow harder against my face and groaned.

Yes, I'm totally and completely fine. My best friend's in love with a douche bag and lives in another country. Yes, I'm fine. The majority of my friends live in other countries. Yes. Fine.

Tyler is a sexual drunk and is spending time with someone who also find him attractive. Totally fine.

"Yeah." I said through the fluff. Tyde quietly left me to my wallowing and I was thankful for that.

Oh, America, how I wanted to be in thee. In a total, non-pervert way.

I missed my friends, and learning that even my British pals will be in the states made me want to go even more. Considering I'd only been home for a month, my parents wouldn't be too happy to have me leave again.

And Tyler.

I wanted to see Tyler.

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