And as I currently sit in the back of the car, watching others happily live their lives to the fullest, I enjoy the small moments they find in the city. I try to focus on what Grace is saying at the moment as we head closer and closer to the sight of our shoot. But, I can't. I'm too I'm loved and involved with this city that I'm bewitched by the magic of it all. The light and fluffy snow falls and fills the air, sticking to the window's glass. I sip on my hot chocolate, unable to stop the tunes that fall from my mouth.

"A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland. Gone away is the bluebird, here to stay is a new bird. Sing a love song, while we stroll along, walking in a winter wonderland..."

I don't even realize the carefree lyrics that I've hummed and sung out loud until Grace raises an interested brow, settling her phone into her lap. "You're in a good mood," she says.

"Why wouldn't I be? Christmas is five days away, the city is absolutely beautiful..."

"And you get to see a certain someone in about three days, am I right? Is that the reason for your smile?"

She knows she's absolutely correct as I press my lips together tightly, shrugging my shoulders as she grins at my response. "It very well, could be. He flies out to London today."

"Oh, does he now?"


"And when will you be joining him?"

"The morning of the 23rd. He's picking me up at Heathrow."

"It'll be your first Christmas on the other side of the ocean, nervous?"

"Not really. I'm more so nervous about meeting his family...trying to fit in...pretending I know a  thing or to about celebrating the holidays."

"Don't overthink these things Layla. Just have fun, be merry, and drink some eggnog."

"Easier said than done."

Being the kind woman that she always is, she reaches for my hand, giving it a warm and comforting squeeze as I look over at her, seeing the prominent tears in her eyes. "I'm really happy for you Layla. I'm honestly, so happy that you've found someone who can put such a bright smile on your face and be the reason behind you singing freely."

"Don't get mushy on me Gracie."

We both laugh as she removes her hand from my own. "You little shit. Now remember, if he breaks your heart..."


"Alfonzo will kick his ass all the way to the other side of the Atlantic. Isn't that right?"

"You bet," Alfonzo chimes in from the front seat, stealing my cup of hot chocolate when my guard is down.

We arrive on set quickly and efficiently, greeting all those around as I'm instantly thrown into hair and makeup. Today's cover as I'm told, will be one of the biggest to finish and close off the year. For Vogue has been gracious enough to open up their glamorous home and eye to me this morning. My eyelashes are curled and bold pink lipstick is added before my hair is tossed and styled, sprayed to keep the magical work in place. The theme is modern glamour, festive and decorated to invite the liking of fresh spring.

And as my absolute favorite photographer who goes by the iconic name of Carter Blue, steps onto set, he pulls me in for a warm hug. Carter and I met practically a decade ago as I was an anxious and self conscious teenager and he was a struggling and newfound man behind the lens. But, from day one, the world knew he was not one to be messed with. He captures one's true essence and beauty on screen, bringing you to life as every flaw is transformed into a strength. He wears designer from head to toe and smells of millions as he twirls me around in the pink dress that I suit.

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