Island Home - part 6 of 8

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Can and Sanem arrived back at the house just before sunset. While Can takes care of returning the helicopter with the pilot, Sanem takes her flowers down to her room to preserve their freshness. She showers and changes for dinner, slipping on a pretty white lightweight beach dress she had bought before they left New York. Not able to resist how the dress makes her feel, she twirls around in circles watching the skirt flare out as she spins.

Stepping out onto the veranda, she looks out over the ocean and enjoys the deep orange of the sun as it begins to set for the day. Glancing down at the beach, she spies turtles digging in the sand not far from the favorite place where she likes to sit to write. Curious to see what the turtles are doing, she grabs her notebook and pen and goes down to the beach. Arriving she discovers that the turtles have dug reasonably large holes, scooping out the sand with their flippers, and now seem to be resting. She decides to join them and quietly sits down in her beach chair and starts to write about her memories about the magical day she has had with Can.

Can comes out to the Veranda and can see Sanem from this vantage point. He sees she might be writing so he chooses to stay where he is and enjoy a refreshing drink, but he keeps a close eye on her. He relaxes in the hammock to think over how fantastic this day has been.

As it begins to grow dark, Sanem notices the turtles are covering up their cozy holes. She is curious enough to take a closer look and is excited to discover that they have filled their nests with eggs. They are working at a steady pace to completely cover their nests, flipping sand in all directions to cover all traces that they have been there. "Clever girls," Sanem says out loud to the Sea Turtles.

A beautiful full moon has risen and appears to be coming up right out of the ocean. The night times in the Galapagos are breathtakingly beautiful. Since they arrived here, Can and Sanem have spent every evening together watching the moon come up and right now, Can is missing Sanem being at his side. He can see and hear her down on the beach but he cannot touch her, and his fingers tingle with the desire to feel her skin and brush through her hair. But he decides to stay on the veranda, slowly swirling and enjoying his drink while he continues to watch and see what she might do next.

As Sanem walks along the beach in the moonlight, her white dress glows and gently floats around her legs. She is lagging along behind a group of sea turtles as they make their way back to the surf. Can's eyes remain focused on Sanem when a sense of enchantment descends. It settles down upon him and makes him feel as if he has just stepped into one of Sanem's daydreams. Illuminated by the moonight in her flowing white dress, she has an ethereal appearance that resembles an angel. As she moves across the wet sand, her toes sink down slightly leaving a trail of footsteps behind her. Sanem is playing soft music on her phone and dancing along to it as the sounds of the melody are carried across the Island and up to Can's ears.

The whole scene looks and feels magical. More and more each day with Sanem, Can is getting used to the feeling of being bewitched by an enchantress. Once again like it had happened earlier today, his internal alarm calls him into action. Rubbing the goosebumps along his arms, he quickly sets his drink down and slips into his room to grab his camera. He does not want to miss the unique opportunity to capture this magical moment on film. He takes his camera and turns off all the lights so only the moonlight is illuminating the night.

Sanem sways slowly and gently moves in and out of the water. She does not want to scare the turtles or cause them to change their direction as they make their way to the sea. The salty sea water may ruin her dress so she gathers the delicate fabric of the skirt into her hands, holding it above the water which exposes her beautiful, strong dancer's legs. She is totally unaware that she has a very appreciative audience in Can.

He has lowered his camera and is staring at her, feeling a bit like a school boy in love. He smiles at himself for the way Sanem often makes him feel like a teenager. Then he quietly laughs as he listens to her talking to the turtles as they get closer to the water. Once the turtles reach the surf, they will disappear quickly into the sea. Their long journey has come to an end and their job is now done.

Suddenly, Sanem turns and runs out of the water to her beach chair. Can has enjoyed watching her and has taken phenomenal photos again today. But he is happy to have her attention back again, feeling a bit jealous of the turtles who took away her attention for a time. Setting his camera back down in his room, Can runs down the stairs to meet Sanem, expecting to find her walking towards the house. But he discovers that instead of picking up her things and heading towards him, she has stopped and is looking back at the water at the sea turtles who have almost reached the surf.

Can cannot believe his eyes when he sees what Sanem is doing. He is stopped dead in his tracks and his heart leaps in his chest. Slowly, she pulls her dress up and over her head, drapes it over the beach chair and heads back to the water. Can is speechless as he watches Sanem stroll back to the sea with her bare skin shining in the moonbeams. He scans the house to make sure there are no signs of Isabella and Darwin. Pulling off his shirt and kicking off his shoes, he runs to the water... to

It is hard to believe how beautiful the night is with the moon shining on the water and lighting up the night in its glow. It has been the most glorious day Sanem could have ever imagined, even in her wildest dreams. And now, following the turtles into the sea just seems like the perfect thing to do. It felt brazen and erotic to take off her dress to walk into the night as the warm sea air caresses her bare skin. But she knows Isabella and Darwin are away for the evening and Can is busy... somewhere.

Sanem reaches the water just as the turtles reach the surf and begin their swim back out to sea. She follows the turtles into the soothing waters of the bay. It is soft and warm as it gently massages her delicate skin and her black shiny hair flows over the surface of the water. For a moment, she lays back and floats on the surface of the water, gazing up at the star-filled night sky. Before she loses sight of the turtles, she flips herself over and dives under the water to watch the turtles swim. Resurfacing, she takes in the incredible beauty of the moonbeams shining through the water. They create dancing patterns on the sea below and bring a magnitude of iridescent colors to life.

Following Sanem is thrilling. Can stays a short distance away to not disturb her but close enough to make sure she is safe. He stands at the water's edge, observant, alert, and highly aroused. The ocean is full of many different kinds of sea creatures. Not all of them are safe and many come out at night with only one purpose... to feed their hunger.

Sanem is weaving her magic spell on him again. She seems unreal, like a moon goddess or a sea nymph, frolicking in the water with the sea turtles. Can is calm and happy watching her... until she dives under the surface. He can no longer see her and begins to feel a sense of panic but knows how important it is to stay calm! "Ahhh, Sanem, Ahhh!" he cries out loud, aggravated at how this moment might possibly become dangerous.

Calling out her name loudly, he walks along the shore line searching the water for any sign of motion. There should be some sign of her, ripples in the water, splashing, air bubbles, noise of some sort... but there is nothing. He calls out again, furious at himself for standing at the edge of the water and letting her go in alone. He slowly wades into the surf, listening intently for any sound, glaring over the surface of the water, looking for any movement... again there is nothing.

(I will add the photos later, but they are keeping me from posting the story)... Now what kind of trouble has Sanem gotten herself into????... 

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