Forever Falling-Part 2

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Can stood there, looking at the airplane door that had just closed Sanem off from him, taking her away from him. The doors whooshed closed, he felt like all the air in the room had been sucked out. He hurried to the window, his hands pressed against the glass, searching the small windows of the airplane for her face. His hands still on the glass; laid his head on his bicep for a few seconds before standing to stagger back.

He was dead wrong thinking he had endured the greatest pain he could imagine

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He was dead wrong thinking he had endured the greatest pain he could imagine. Holding his hand over his heart, Can swore he could feel the life being squeezed out of him.

He did not remember their past together. But, he knew from reading her book, and from conversations with many others about their history, when he had been hurt or angry in the past... he had mistreated Sanem. He had hurt her and tried to leave her many times. He had done so after promising not to leave her side and to always listen to her. Then he actually did go for a whole year while he sailed the seas. He had found his way back and won Sanem's heart once more, against all the odds. Only now, he had lost it again, along with all of his memories of her.

Now Sanem had left him. He was shocked when she boarded the plane. When she had not responded to his pleas not to go. He had read her story, and since their accident, everyone had spoken to him of their epic love and his memory loss. She was his Sanem, his lighthouse in the storm. She was the one he could count on to do whatever it took to save him, to save his company, save his family, to save him even from himself.

Can had been feeling lost, and somewhat helpless, since waking from the coma he found himself in after the crash. He thought that was the worst thing he could imagine. Missing a part of his life, his memories. Feeling like he was lost in a fog. Faces that looked at him with hurt expressions and pain-filled eyes. Expecting from him what he was not able to give.

Now he felt helpless once again watching Sanem board the plane, and his world came crumbling down around him, settling into dust at his feet.

"No!" Can proclaimed out aloud.

This was not the way it was going to end. He was not helpless. He was still Can Divit after all. Missing a few years of memories did not change that. There was always away when you had the desire to find it.

Sweat began to bead in his hairline and trickle down his back. He ran his hands over his hair and tugged down his beard, the way he always did when he was anxious. His breath was labored, and he could feel his heart pounding hard through his veins. His adrenaline was pumping as high as it ever did on any quest he had been on.

Pulling out his phone with steady hands, he walked over to the airline flight check-in counter. He easily charmed Sanem's flight information from the woman who accepted Sanem's boarding pass for the flight, taking her away from him.

Can was a man who was always ready to travel anywhere at any time. He immediately went to international flights to book the tickets needed to catch up with Sanem and to go on to the Galapagos together. He studied the flights available, discovering he could arrive in Copenhagen during Sanem's three-hour layover. They could continue to New York, and from there, they could travel to Ecuador and then on to the Galapagos.

Failure was not an option. He would find a way to convince Sanem that they would make this trip together.

Can booked first-class flights for himself and upgraded Sanem's to first-class as well. It was the only way a man of his size could fly comfortably. It would also give them additional privacy.

Can had to pause and admire Sanem for her tenacity and bravery. She had not done any extensive traveling. Even so, she had chosen not only to go alone but to fly to foreign destinations where she did not speak or understand the language. He knew how scared she would be, but she did it anyway. His Brave Bird.

 Sanem had chosen Galapagos as her destination

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Sanem had chosen Galapagos as her destination.

This told Can something loud and clear. He remembered the story he read in Sanem's book of a day spent in Agva. She had dreamed of the day she would live in the Galapagos and write her love stories. She had dreamed of finding her Albatross.

Can new then, that she was still dreaming of her Albatross.

Can was accustomed to last-minute travel to distant locations and was always prepared to leave at a moment's notice. Having everything he needed to fly anywhere at any time. What he did not have, he would buy as needed. Can called his brother Emre on his way out to move his truck and get his backpack.

His heart pounding in his ears, his excitement was growing. This was the life he remembered, the experience of excitement and adventure. It made him feel alive, and his heart was pumping adrenaline through his system.

After a short conversation and good wishes from his brother, he headed to his gate to await the boarding call.

It was a short 3-½-hour flight to Copenhagen, but it seemed like an eternity before he arrived. He used the time to think about how he could beg Sanem's forgiveness and allow him... not to stop her from going, but to join her on her journey to the Galapagos.

It had been a long road of suffering for them both. However, he was sensitive that it was much longer and harder for Sanem since he was not able to remember the past with her.

It would all depend on whether or not he could plead his case. Convince Sanem that not only had he fallen madly in love with her again. But he would spend his life continually and forever falling in love with her, over and over again.

Can arrived in Copenhagen shortly after Sanem's flight landed. He was excited and nervous as he left the arrival gate to search for her. He had to smile at the butterflies that were fluttering madly around in his stomach. His mouth was dry. He swallowed repeatedly.

No woman, in fact, no person, had ever had him on the edge of his nerves the way Sanem does. He turned his moonstones in his hands, rolling them, calling on their magic to keep her from turning him away. Praying she would, at least, allow him to accompany her on the journey.

New York was the next stop on the journey. Can made his way to the international flights' departure area, to find the flight that would "hopefully" take him and Sanem on to New York. He was sure he would see her somewhere in the terminal on the way to the gate. Knowing she would not wander too far from the waiting area for the flight. As he walked, he kept a sharp eye out for Sanem. His pulse jumped when he saw her sitting at the gate boarding area for the New York flight.

Sanem had her journal out, sitting on her lap. She was not writing, but was staring blankly at the pages. Can's heart gripped him tightly when he saw Sanem wipe at the tears slowing rolling down her lovely face. Suddenly feeling weak and a bit dizzy, he had to sit down and catch his breath. He watched her for a few moments, gathering his courage, barely able to swallow over the lump in his throat. His hands began to tremble; he was nervous and anxious, and his hands and forehead were damp with sweat.

God, when had he ever been this afraid in his life?

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