Forever Falling- Part 3

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Sanem sat at the gate, waiting for the flight that would take her on to New York... America... How terrifying. The reality of choosing to travel alone was turning into a panic, what was she thinking? She had been determined to see the world with Can. Even when the requests to promote her book came, she chose to decline and wait for Can. Going to the Galapagos without him seemed wrong. He was the dream, the Albatros. He was her other half and without him.....

A photographic memory, to most, seemed like a gift. But Sanem's mind would not let her forget a moment. Not a single word, a look, or a kiss. She could clearly see him at the gate, the strain on his face as he begged her not to go. The sound of the words falling from his lips. OH, sweet torture, that is what it was!

She had her journal out in front of her. She was not writing but was staring blankly at the pages. Can's heart gripped him tightly when he saw Sanem wipe at the tears slowing rolling down her lovely face. Suddenly feeling weak and a bit dizzy, he had to sit down and catch his breath. He watched her for a few moments, gathering his courage, barely able to swallow over the lump in his throat. His hands began to tremble; he was nervous and anxious, and his hands and forehead were damp with sweat.

God, when had he ever been this afraid in his life?

Sanem had left him, not only him but everyone and everything she knew. Visibly shaking in her seat, she lifted her head to gaze out the window. She looked so small and forlorn to Can. The desire to protect her gave him the courage he needed to start walking towards her. He wiped the sweat from his brow and ran his hands over his hair, brushing it back, then slid his hands down, smoothing his beard, the way he always did when he was nervous. Walking up behind her, he spoke softly, trying to control the emotions in his voice.

"Sanem?" He said so softly it was barely audible.

She jumped to her feet and let out a yelp!

Spinning to meet his eyes, Sanem waved her hand in front of her face, unable to trust what her eyes were seeing.

"Can?" she waved her hand again.

Can could not stop the slight smile that crept across his face. It curled up one cheek and indented one adorable dimple. This was one of Sanem's many gestures that captivated him.

"I'm real!" he whispered as he took both of her hands and held them. He watched the storm of emotions that crossed her face. She was shocked, happy, angry, confused, and even relieved. Then her look was back to angry and then curious.

She managed to say only his name, "Can?"

"Please don't be angry!" he crooned in the deep baritone voice Sanem could never resist. He looked deeply into her eyes the way he used to, searching beyond the surface and reaching deep inside of her. He leaned down to bring his face so close she could feel his breath as he spoke to her. Feel his fingers brush across her cheek before they came up to gently pushed her hair back from her face. Letting his fingers linger in the softness, Can slipped his hands further back into her hair and cupped her face in the palms of his hands.

Sanem stood frozen, eyes locked on his face.

"I may not remember our past, Sanem. But life does not live in the past. Life lives in every moment of every day. We may not have yesterday, but we every tomorrow."

Sanem was spellbound by the nearness of Can. His body heat began to wrap around her and warm her. The familiar magnetic pull was tugging her closer to him. His scent... the scent that was so uniquely Can's, surrounded her. His fingers tucked into her hair, holding her face. The sound of his voice. His eyes locked into hers. Sanem was not at all sure she was not dreaming. Her eyes began to close.

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