Written in the Stars

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Ahhh, my love birds, if you think you have read this chapter... you have not. It was missing some special spices. I knew it when I published it on Can Yamans Forum. I have edited and stirred the pot. I hope you dive in and enjoy! Ahh Ahh, before you read, click the play button above and enjoy the romantic music from Erkenci Kus and enjoy the atmosphere it sets for you... I miss the music (if you listen you will hear the clicking of Can's moonstones).


I am so frustrated... "Are you hungry?" I hear him ask. "Yes, are we mixing one hunger with another and feeding it with food again?" When I respond this way, I sound like a petulant child and regret it immediately.

Can stops dead in his tracks

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Can stops dead in his tracks. His back is to me, and he is still holding my hand, but is not turning around to me. I hear a sort of primal growl come from somewhere deep inside of him.


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Slowly... he turns to face me, and tips his head back just a bit to look down at me through the slits of his almost closed eyes. His gaze rolls back and forth between my eyes and my lips. I can see he is weighing his words carefully. I wish I had not said such a rude thing and embarrassed myself so terribly. I step forward and wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest.

Can's hand slides over my hair, smoothing it away from my face

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Can's hand slides over my hair, smoothing it away from my face. I feel him take a great breath in, slowly let it out, then look at me with his dreamy, dark chocolate eyes. His voice drops down into that dangerous, sexy tone that makes my pulse race. He takes my head in his hands and tips it back until I am looking straight into his eyes.

Erkenci Kus, The Continuing StoryWhere stories live. Discover now