Island Home - part 5 of 8

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(Psst.. turn on the music video to accompany you)

Can holds Sanem tighter against his chest and turns them sideways so they can watch the flock flying in and out without letting go of each other. There are plenty of mating rituals going on in the valley. The air is filled with clicking sounds, whistling, clacking of bills together, and funky little dances. They watch the Albatross for a long time, then Can retrieves his photography bag and a picnic lunch from the Chopper. They take photos for several hours before they settle down to have lunch. By then, they are both starving for a meal.

"Can, this is the most perfect day!" Sanem exclaims

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"Can, this is the most perfect day!" Sanem exclaims. She is sitting beside him on the picnic blanket and sees pleasure on his face at her remark. Unable to resist, she crawls over to plop herself in his lap and wraps both of her arms around his neck. Searching his eyes first, she kisses him exuberantly full on the mouth, then slows the kiss down to a sweeter, more explorative pace. The sounds Can makes as he accepts and returns her affection and her kisses lets her know how much he is enjoying her attention.

"How can I ever thank you?" She breathes out to him with her lips still touching his

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"How can I ever thank you?" She breathes out to him with her lips still touching his. "Ah, Sanem, Ah. If you only knew what I was thinking", Can responds as his hands begin to roam down the entire length of her back and up again. She wrinkles her nose at him saying softly, "I think I know, Can! I think I know."

They stay side-by-side for a good part of the afternoon. Sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees, Sanem's body is beginning to ache from being so still for such a long time. Can sees her rubbing her legs to bring the circulation back into them. "Come," he says, stretching his long legs out in front of him. Picking her up, he sets her between his legs, and positions her so her back is resting against him. The sea breeze picks up pieces of her long soft hair that fly across to caress and tickle Can's face, neck, and arms. It feels relaxing, soothing, and erotic. Can closes his eyes and turns his face to the late afternoon sun, luxuriating in the sensations causing goosebumps to rise and run along his skin.

 Can closes his eyes and turns his face to the late afternoon sun, luxuriating in the sensations causing goosebumps to rise and run along his skin

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"Can," Sanem calls. Her voice sounds far away and child-like with an expression of awe and wonder. "Hummmm?" Can answers, his reply sounds sleepy, rumbles deep in his chest, and vibrates against Sanem. "This, this is a dream. A most beautiful dream come true. I have dreamed of this my whole life. Thank you for giving me such a magical day." " Depositing a kiss on the top of her head, Can replies, "It is my pleasure, my love."

If there is a song of the Galapagos, it would be the many musical sounds of the wildlife accompanied by the melody of the water. Sanem closes her eyes to just listen more fully to the symphony of sounds. To the song of the Galápagos! The sun is warm on her face and body and reality seems far away as she relaxes into a trancelike state.

A beautiful, soft, sweet, floral aroma flows across Sanem on the gentle breeze

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A beautiful, soft, sweet, floral aroma flows across Sanem on the gentle breeze. It is a fragrance she has never smelled before. It seems almost more like a feeling than a fragrance. Slowly opening her eyes, she searches for its source. She disturbs Can when she peels herself away from his embrace to search for this incredible aroma. Can starts to complain at the loss of bodily contact with her that he was thoroughly enjoying, but then sees how strange she looks. She seems to be hunting for something. He stands up to watch where she is going, wondering what she is looking for. Sanem does not hear him call out to her and he becomes very curious about the strange way she is behaving.

The way Sanem moves as she searches for the fragrance is like a wild cat hunting its prey. She is so alluring and almost primitive. It causes the hair on his arms and the back of his neck to stand up, sending chills across the surface of his skin. This is his own unique alarm system. His extraordinary intuition that alerts him to pick up his camera. He is highly skilled at locating the camera he needs, changing his lens and never taking his eyes off of his target. This time his subject is Sanem. He begins taking photos of her as she moves and picks her way through the topography until she finds what she is searching for.

Following her nose, she breathes her way to the source and discovers a rare and fragrant field of flowers. She is so delighted as she finds her prize that she cries out, twirls around and around in the blossoms, and begins dancing in the meadow with great excitement. The late afternoon sun plays across the meadow, casting a shimmering light on the flowers and on Sanem. She does not know the name of the flower, but its bouquet has called to her until she found it.

Can stands at the edge of the field. The fragrance washes over him as he watches Sanem dancing with abandon among the flowers. He thinks over the day here with Sanem, remembering showing her the Albatross, the thrill of taking her on their first helicopter ride, and every moment spent together on this special day. Now he is enjoying Sanem and her discovery of this unusual aroma. All of the experiences of this day are leaving him with feelings he cannot describe in words the way in the way Sanem is able to do. What he does have though are hundreds of photographs that can speak for him. With his experience, he knows he has captured award-winning photographs and created a visual memory of this day that will last for a lifetime.

Sanem picks a large bouquet of flowers, buries her face in them, and then heads back to Can with a beaming smile on her face. These flowers will be the starting point for the creation for a new cream, her new fragrance. Getting back to Can, Sanem holds up the flowers for him to smell. He reaches for her, holds her by the arms, and dips his nose into the flowers, meeting her eyes as he inhales their unique fragrance. There are moments in life that create a memory that will always be remembered. This was one of those special moments... an unforgettable moment to remember.

Can hates to end this day! But they need to get the helicopter back to the house so the pilot can return it to the hangar before nightfall. Soon they are taking off and Can looks for his Albatross, sending a mental message that he will return again. As the helicopter rose higher in the air, the huge Albatross Can was watching took to the sky and followed the chopper at a safe distance. Can asked Sanem to quickly hand him his camera and took several photographs of the Albatross in flight as the mighty bird followed them home.

 Can asked Sanem to quickly hand him his camera and took several photographs of the Albatross in flight as the mighty bird followed them home

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What a magical day! There is more of the EK magic waiting for you in the next chapter. I hope to see you there and please remember to vote if you felt the magic!

Erkenci Kus, The Continuing StoryWhere stories live. Discover now