Island Home - part 2 of 8

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(Stop... push the play button on the EK music video at the top, to accompany you as you read.... I miss the music.... now... Go 😉)

All I can think of is, "My Albatross has brought me home to his nest." I settle for the word "nest" when what I am really thinking is "mate". This is precisely why the Albatross comes home after being at sea. After soaring through the skies for years at a time, my Albatross has come home to nest.

"Allah, Allah

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"Allah, Allah... Sssannnemmm," I hiss out through my teeth. I have lost the battle of resisting my desire for her. Waiting for "the right time". Right now, I can't think of why this is not the right time. Why every minute between us is not the right time. It is right! Nothing has ever been more right. I've lost or I've won. Either way of looking at it feels the same. I close my eyes. Feeling the heat from her lips, mine become heat-seeking missiles and I surrender!

"Señor Can." An excited voice interrupts us from below the landing. And just like that, the spell is broken. Broken by a petite, elderly lady who comes bobbing cheerfully up the stairs. "Señor Can, Señorita Sanem, you've made it. Welcome! Welcome home! I have food for you out on the back patio. You must be starving and tired from your long journey."

Isabella is a flurry of words and activity as she shuts the door behind Can and Sanem. She takes Sanem's hand in greeting and touches Can's arm in welcome, oblivious to the fact that Can is still holding Sanem in his arms, having just carried her over the threshold. Nor does she pay any notice to the extremely passionate tension between the two of them. You would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to see it but Isabella very deliberately ignores it.

"Can, show Sanem to her room for a quick wash up. Then both of you should come downstairs for some nourishment. I have food and beverages ready for you. We don't want Señorita Sanem to be sick again with jet lag. I will see you downstairs." She spoke English with a heavy Spanish accent then hurried off before Can ever got out a word of greeting or to introduce Sanem.

I try to stifle a giggle as I see the storm cloud wash over Can's face

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I try to stifle a giggle as I see the storm cloud wash over Can's face. Smiling sweetly at the scowl on his face, I wrinkle my nose and gently say, "Just like old times!"

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