Chapter 17: Irish Cream Ideas

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Jungkook's P.O.V


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December 31st



Ah, it’s almost here! 2020 will be here soon.” 
“Do you know what your New Year’s resolutions are, eomma?”
“Oh well… I just hope that even through the hard times in the winter we will stick together as a family and work through everything.”
“Sounds pretty good eomma. What about you app-“
“I sure hope you just keep growing my son. You have such a long way to go in life. But your high school years are almost over. You’ll have to start thinking about your next move.”
“You guys both know what I want. I know it seems silly, but I really think I have shot at being a professional photographer. My portfolio is already put together.”
“You seem ready for it Kookie, but if you do decide to take after your appa and run a business we’ll be right behind you on it.”
“Thank you, eomma. I really needed to hear that.”
“Now that’s all done, we can go sit outside in the back yard. Maybe catch some fireworks.”
“Oh! I’ll go get my camera, and my phone! Hold up!”
“Don’t run so fast! You’ll trip!”
“I got it! Let’s go! I want to see if I can time it right. I want to remember this day.”
“Son, as long as you’re happy while capturing it, the moment will never fade away even if the photo is lost.”
“Okay wise man, I think the neighbors across the street are about to set off their first firework.” 
“I’ll get my camera ready.” 
“Isn’t it  just breathtaking. A new year. A good fresh start.”
“Yeah. It really is.”


July 15th




I stared at the open closet in my room for what felt like forever. My high school things were packed in boxes along with all the photography equipment that I haven’t touched in so long. Memories were resurfacing the longer I thought back on the times I had in high school. The goal of becoming a professional lit a fire under me, making me strive to improve my skill. 
Now, It was more of a would you rather question. I pick up my phone from my nightstand and glance at the screen. It had about three missed calls from Yoongi and no text messages from a certain someone I deeply wanted to type me something—anything really. But most importantly, the anticipation of taking Jimin to work and having him beside me in the car was definitely real. 
Jesus, he’s cute as fuck. 
God, I’m a fucking dumbass for being a dumbass. 
Deep within the caverns of my soul, I felt like he was a bit out of my league when usually it’s the other way around for most people who are attracted to me. The last time I had a boyfriend was sophomore year. I was trying to decipher which path I was supposed to go down in my adulthood, and then I was working with my appa and eomma after school on some days in the spring. Home, career plans, and work was all thought about until graduation. I focused so much on them that dating became secondary and soon it was basically something I never talked about. 
And here I am.
Sitting on the edge of my bed fully dressed at 11 AM; waiting on my phone to buzz with that notification I desperately wanted to appear. I
Told my appa not to wake me up with the horn so I would be responsible for my own timing to get ready. However, he was still waiting just down the stairs. Timing wouldn’t be an issue because I basically wear the same shit every day, so that’s not too hard. But fuck—getting up early is never easy. 
I felt my phone vibrate in my palm and I looked down to see a message. It was from my appa. It read ‘Just because I didn’t wake you up, doesn’t mean you get to be late to work J Please grab a jacket, it’s raining’. 
I snickered at the emoticon usage in his text and stuffed my phone in my apron pocket. I pulled myself off my bed and to the closet where my eyes were set on earlier. I grabbed my hooded black leather jacket from the hanger it was presented on; glancing down at the boxes of supplies before me. I saw the shiny lenses of a camera come into sight as I peered into the box. My fingers inched to reach out and grab it. 
Stop being such a bitch it’s just a camera. It’s yours anyway.
I hesitated for a few seconds before bending down to grab the tool. I fondled it with my hands for a few, flipping it over and upside down inspecting each side. The longer I held it, the more my hands began to get used to the feeling of buttons and controls. I pressed the button next to the side to turn it on. Its digital controls brightly display on the screen. 
I chuckled and pressed on the triangle-shaped button to review all of my pictures that were saved on the memory card.
I scrolled through various buildings, landscapes, and even some high school pictures from photography class. I smiled while flipping through them, my heart tightening once I came to a certain picture. It was a picture of my Uncle Namjoon and his husband Jin smiling at each other during their wedding ceremony. I must’ve been about sixteen at the time when they finally decided to tie the knot. I still remember the wide grin on his face when he told us he proposed to him. It tells the story of Jin’s reaction like it happened yesterday.
They were so happy. 
I flipped through more photos and see some of my appa and eomma smiling and laughing as well. Their love for each other was an unbreakable force. My eomma said that once I meet my future lover, I too would have that force and so would they. Seeing these bright smiles full of joy only reminded me of the one I had witnessed take place less than 24 hours ago.
From a person that I never would suspect. 
Park Jimin. 
His smile was bright like the sun and all the stars combined. It could clear the gloomy sky of its rain clouds and make a rainbow appear.
It was… Beautiful.
I wanted to make him smile like that again. I wanted to be the reason why too. 
At this point, I wasn’t even looking at the pictures. My mind was clouded and filled with Jimin once again. I didn’t think it was such a bad thing.
Not in the slightest. 
“Hey! Jeon Jungkook you better hurry up! It’s almost twelve! You didn’t even respond to my message!” I jumped from the sudden loud volume of my appa’s voice spiking my attention. Out of habit, I threw the strap that was connected to the camera over my neck and I darted out of my room and down the stairs. Just before I had to hear any more complaining. 
My appa stood at the doorway in his trench coat crossing his arms, his face sheeted with disappointment. 
“Sorry appa, I didn’t intend on taking so long. I was um—” his eyes weren’t on my face. Instead, they were trained on my midsection where the digital camera hung from my neck. I looked down and back at him again with wide eyes. 
Double fuck. 
“I see you’ve picked up your camera again. Were you planning on missing work so you can take your photos? I know you love it but—” I cut him off before he starts going on tangents. 
“No! I’m—I was just gonna put it back. I didn’t mean to bring it down here.” I started to take off the band that hung around my neck swiftly, and turned around to walk back up the stairs. I heard my appa chuckle before I took another step. 
“Keep the camera.” I paused and turned my neck to look at him in shock. I gripped the strap in my hand tighter. 
“Why? It’s not like I’m gonna use it.” He shrugged. 
“You never know. Maybe while you’re at work you could find some inspiration. Or maybe even a muse. That is—if you don’t already have one.” My appa winked and I gasped, scowling afterward.
“What was that wink for?” He went silent for a while and I squinted at him, curious of why he was taunting me. 
“So! Yesterday… How did it go? I’m sure Jimin and you worked it out, right?” I almost died in that very second. My face began heating up.
How does he—oh yeah.
I’m way too obvious aren’t I?
“I- yeah. I’m fine. We’re fine.” I saw him smirk knowingly. 
“I see you’ve already begun.” I raised an eyebrow and walked a few steps closer to my appa. He still leaned on the door with the same expression. 
“Begun what?” 
“Begun to fall in love.” My mouth felt dry as I stayed at the man before me. I couldn’t even move my lips quick enough to make a response. This time, I couldn’t rebuttal like I usually do. 
Was it love? 
Not yet. 
It’s only been one date. 
Only about two weeks. 
But still…
That force. 
It was there. 
Triple fuck. 
“You know what appa, I think it’s time to go. I’m sure Hobi’s already there setting up.” He laughed and turned to open the front door. I followed behind him silently and pulled my hood over my head. I prayed he wouldn’t drag out this conversation more than it needed to be. 
I walked to my car which was parked behind his. I opened the door when I heard my appa yell at me. “I hope you and Jimin are happy. I know you deserve it, son!” 
“Get in your car appa!” I refused to look up at his face as I pulled open my car door and hopped inside. The leather on my steering wheel almost burned me when I touched it. I sat my camera on the passenger seat and quickly started up the car so I could pull off. 
Once I was on the road I let my mind wander a bit. My brain was tripping its way into thinking about Jimin, thinking about how he could be sitting right here next to me if he would’ve just called.
God, was he something else.
He was the best combination of features and traits. He was extremely innocent, but at times he could be daring and bold. Those sides I didn’t see much about a week ago. But now that I’ve talked to him; I’ve gotten to see all these things for myself and get a firsthand look at who he was. 
It wasn’t until then when I realized that shorty and I weren’t exactly so different. He had issues just like me. And through the past month, I felt like I was terribly lonely and misunderstood by many. I let life engulf me in its wave and drown me with its heavy hits and rocky roads. Eventually, I let myself go. I didn’t really have a clue of what to do next, but staying in my lonely corner and spectating those on the outside slowly irritated me. Everyone then came to hate being around me. 
But there’s Jimin. 
A cute, short, terribly anxious guy who didn’t back down from his stance beside me. No matter how many times I told him to stay out my way, or how many times he flubbed service, he would still try harder. Jimin was someone I couldn’t fathom at the time until I really tried to. And now that I’ve seen everything including his problems. I didn’t have to try. 
Because I already knew. 
I think he also knew. 
And maybe that made everything that happened worth it.
Because I’m happy. 
In the now. 
I’m actually happy.
And I think I do deserve it. 
And I think Jimin deserves it too.
I kept my eyes on the road as I felt a huge grin spread across my face. My cheeks began to hurt from how hard I smiled. Wow, did that feel good. The soft patter of the rain droplets on the windshield kept my feeling at bay and I had never felt more in tune with life than I am now. 
It took only about ten minutes for me to arrive at the shop. My appa’s car tailed behind me as I pulled into the parking lot. I parked my car and took my key out of the ignition. I looked over to the passenger seat at the camera which held it’s the seat. I grabbed it quickly and got out of the car. 
I threw on my hood and walked up to the glass doors of the shop. I looked through the door to see if anyone was inside. I then saw Hoseok and Jimin standing behind the counter. They didn’t seem to be arguing, so I opened the door and strutted inside the lobby. My appa came in right behind me and instantly spoke up.
“Good afternoon Mr. Park, and Mr. Jung. Sorry for the late arrival. The rain is getting a bit heavy.” I scoffed at my appa’s attempt at lying and took off my hood, rolling up my sleeves on the jacket. 
I made eye contact with Jimin for a split second and I saw the rosy tint rise on his cheeks.
Hoseok nodded. “No problem boss. I’m sure today will be a bit slow because of that.” 
I made my way behind the counter and stand next to Jimin on his right side. “Well, you guys work hard. You know the routine for rainy days.” Oh yeah. I forgot about that. He then walked to the door of his small office behind the counter and closed the door. 
I felt Jimin beside me panic. “So… What’s the routine for today?” He asked, and I opened my mouth to answer, but Hoseok ended up beating me to the punch. 
“It’s when we have to wipe the windows and mop the lobby because of the rain. The lobby sometimes will get tracked with mud when people walk in from outside. So, we stay late to clean. I’m sure it won’t take long with the three of us.” I licked the inside of my cheek with my tongue as he spoke.
“I was gonna say that. Thank you very much.” He just rolled his eyes at me and looked back at Jimin. 
“Don’t worry about it, Jimin. We might not even get more than twenty customers today. It’s honestly a good break.” Jimin nodded and I saw his hand shake a little as he ran it through his blonde head of hair. 
“Well while we’re here. I think it’s about
12: 50 now, we can talk. So, Jungkook, you’ve got your camera. You getting into photography again? I thought you quit it.” Hoseok asked, his voice thriving with energy. 
“Yeah, I did. I thought it would be good if I tried again. Not a big deal.” I tried to keep my response to a minimum because I knew that if I kept going I would only give Hoseok more questions to ask. And God knows I don’t want that happy-go-lucky fuck to question me. 
“Let me guess, your appa forced you?” I growled internally at his nonchalant way of speaking. 
“No, he just encouraged me. I’m the one who picked the damn thing up.” I snarled. 
“Woah, I didn’t mean to upset you. Even with a day of vacation, you’re still a grumpy baby.” I stepped forward, ready to snap. 
“Call me a fucking baby again. I’ll kick your ass next time.” 
“Yeah right, you know your appa wouldn’t approve of you talking like this to your Hyung now would he!” I huffed in annoyance when I heard him use that Hyung and appa thing as a threat. 
I was getting ready to fire back when Jimin spoke up instead. 
“I think we have a customer.” He said deliberately loud to get our attention. I turned my gaze to the glass door. It was a lady and her two kids running from the rain. It didn’t take long to serve her, but instead of leaving she took a seat at one of the tables and enjoyed her orders with her two children. 
Soon after that, a few more people came in as well, their umbrellas in hand and their hair all damp. About an hour passed by and the lobby was empty again. We stood there silent waiting on another person to come through those doors. The silence was beginning to freak me out, and I wanted to desperately leave and get some air. Unfortunately, we were still on the clock so I couldn’t.
“Okay, guys. I’m gonna take a seat. You all can stand.” Hoseok said, leaving Jimin and I to stand behind the counter alone while he sits in a booth. 
“Uh—I’m sorry.” I turn to Jimin confusedly.
“What? Why are you—”
“I didn’t call you this morning because my eomma forced me to get in the car with her so she could drive me to work. I really wanted to go with you.” I smiled and shook my head. Jimin was staring off into space, his face slightly flushed. 
“It’s fine, cutie. I was dealing with some stuff this morning anyway.” There was silence again and I reached my hand out to grip Jimin’s chin to get him to face me. He turned his body to me and he glanced downward.
“You… Take pictures. That’s really nice. How many have you taken?” I chuckled and grabbed the camera, hanging it around my neck. 
“Oh—yeah. I was into photography for a while in high school so like a thousand? I wanted to become a professional.” I confessed. 
“Do you still want to?” I smirked and tilted my head at the question. 
“I… Don’t know. I haven’t really used this camera in so long. I mean, the thought of trying again is tempting. I picked it up this morning out of… Curiosity. It kind of feels weird. You know, to hold it again.” Jimin pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Maybe you need something to start with? You could take pictures of the sunset.” I hummed, picturing it in my mind. 
“I could,” I responded.
“Or… You can take pictures of the shop?” Jimin offered but I disagreed. 
“I have lots of those, shorty.” The blondie bit his lip. 
“Maybe you could try animals? L-like baby chicks, or bunnies.” I chucked at the image of a baby and bunny posing for a photo. I thought back on what my appa had said earlier before we left. 
A muse. Was what I needed
“I have a good idea.” Jimin’s bright blue eyes lit up. 
I smirked. “Would you like to pose for me sometime? It could be something we do for our second date. I’m dying to get you alone again.” I caressed his cheek gently and his eyes shot wide open.
“Oh no, I’m not really that interesting. I’m not—“ 
“You’re beautiful. Don’t ever doubt that.” That familiar grin came rising right back up sooner than I thought it would. I licked my lips and watched his full ones stretch into a smile, wanting to dip down and connect them with mine while tugging his hair like he would want. 
“Hey, guys! There’s another customer! Save whatever that was for break time.” I groaned and removed my hand from Jimin’s face, going back into my standard position. Hobi jogged over to the counter. I watched as the person got closer to the door.
This time it was a guy. He was drenched with rainwater from head to toe.
“Hello sir, what can I get you?” I asked politely, trying to hide my feelings. 
Instead of looking at me, the guy focused all of his attention on Jimin who stood quietly not paying him any mind.
“Hey there babe, you’re way too hot to work in an ice cream shop.” The man leaned towards Jimin with seductive eyes. 
“You’re talking to me not him.” I stated as collected as possible.
Don’t lose you cool. Be respectful. 
“I’ll talk to whoever the fuck I want asshole… Can I have your number sweetheart?”
Stay calm. Don’t blow up. 
“Can you tell me your order please?” I insisted, slightly getting more bothered by the second. The man ignored me and Jimin tried to respond. 
“I-I have a b-boyfriend.” I felt my chest pump full of pride at the use of the term. I fixed my posture and watched as the man frowned and turned to me. I almost wanted to laugh. 
“Your order sir?” 
“I’ll just have… A single chocolate scoop.” I nodded and began to reach down to find his desired flavor. He then walked to the register and paid for his order with a solemn look on his face. I handed him his cone and saw him off toward the double doors.
“What in the hell was that just now?” Hobi asked, counting the cash. 
“He was hitting on—” I stopped talking once I noticed Hoseok smiling like an idiot. 
“Oh my god… You guys are—when di—how did you—oh… You guys are absolutely adorable together!” I cringed at the high pitched squeal he let out after realizing. 
“Thank you.” Jimin and I said and unison. He giggled right afterward, covering his face. 
“Okay, well then we need new rules.” 
“Dear fucking God—”
“No kissing or extreme P.D.A on the job. You have all the time in your young lives to do just that outside.” I crossed my arms, opening my mouth to respond.
“Okay.” Jimin said quickly, agreeing faster than I could react. 
“Okay? You’re okay with this Jimin?” I asked, feeling betrayed. 
“Uh—well, I guess. We can just go on another date.” Hoseok gasped dramatically. 
“You guys have already gone on a date! Oh how cute, how cute, how cute. Jimin you didn’t say anything. I’m your Hyung now that you work here. You have to share. Jungkookie—” I stopped him. 
“Don’t call me that. He doesn’t have to say anything. It’s none of your business.” Hoseok chuckled. 
“Aw, and you’re getting all possessive over him, too. I didn’t even think you guys would end up together. But I guess you can thank me for that.” I scoffed lightly. 
“Why would we thank you?” 
“I’m the one who told you to play nice with Jimin in the first place. I guess that took you guys further than I thought.” Jimin was starting to redden as this conversation went on. 
“There’s another customer.” I shot the glass door a look and there was a group of girls running to the glass. 
The serving was less stretched out as the time passed. It continued to get faster paced as the rain began to let up. The sun was shining at full brightness by the time 6 PM came around. Closing time was upon us, and we still had to clean. 
“Alright, Jungkook—you take the floor. I’ll – wipe the windows. Jimin you can wash utensils. I’ll get the supplies.” I nodded and so does Jimin. Just then, Hoseok was about to walk back to the pantry to go and get the cleaning supplies stored there. My appa then came from his office door. 
“You three, I have some news,” we all turned to him and stayed quiet to listen, “so soon we will have our bi-annual health inspection. It’s just around the corner. For all we know, it could be tomorrow. Do not slack off while cleaning today. Do as much as you can. Jungkook, you will lock up afterward. Make sure nothing is out of place. There will be a pre-shift meeting tomorrow just in case something were to happen. I hope you all have a nice evening. You know what to do.” 
“Yes sir.” We all responded in unison. He then waved and walked off and out of the lobby, leaving us to clean everything while he’s gone. 
“Okay, so… You heard Mr. Jeon. We have to clean—a lot. Let’s not waste any time. Be right back.” He finished his task from earlier and ran to the back to retrieve the supplies.
“You think you can handle the inspector coming? I know it sounds scary, but we’ll pass it. We do good every year so don’t stress okay?” Jimin nodded and I reached out to grab Jimin’s hand and squeeze it tight. 
“Nothing bad will happen?” I shook my head. 
“Are we still going on a second date?” I bit my bottom lip.
“Yeah, that excited you earlier? I can’t wait to see how to act on the next one. Hope you bring that naughtiness next time too.” He playfully slapped my chest with his free hand.
“Stop it, I’m not… Naughty.” He protested while his cheeks were adorned with a red hue.
“So you’re a good boy then? You’d pose real pretty for me wouldn’t you?” He didn’t say a word and instead, he just stared with wide eyes. 
“Okay, here’s your mop and bucket, Jungkook. Jimin, the sink is in the back. Just grab all the scoopers. I’ll deal the restocking and windows. Let’s go. No flirting!” Jimin suddenly snatched his hand away from my hold. I grabbed the mop from Hobi and picked up the bucket filled with chemicals. Hoseok took off to go outside with the window cleaning tool and a spray bottle in hand. 
“I- I can pose for you.” Jimin’s soft voice emerged suddenly. I laughed and raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh, I promise you will. How about after the inspection, I’ll let you pose anywhere in any position you see fit.” I winked at him.
“Okay, w-will I be a good boy then?” He asked innocently. 
“The best.” I leaned down and whispered into his ear huskily. He looked down at the ground and I leaned forward to plant a kiss on his forehead. 
“You have to focus now though. We have a job to do.” He popped his head up and smiled sheepishly.
“Y-yeah, sorry. I’ll clean now.” I nodded and Jimin scurried to the ice cream tubs on display to grab the scoopers from each flavor. I walked around the counter and begin mopping after soaking the mop in the bucket of chemicals. 
“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere, cutie.” He looked up and almost dropped the scoopers. 
He smiled shyly. “I didn’t think you were.” 
Similarly, I had the same idea.
Because there was nowhere for me to run. 
Except, to the place 
I knew I belonged. 
That place, 
Was the in-between. 
From the surface to the bottom. 
Where I was quickly falling.
Only in a place…
Called love.


Rainy day for Jikook. 
This book will be coming to an end soon with about 8-9 chapters? I hope that’s okay with you all. 
Well as you guys know…
You’ll just have to wait and see for the next chapter! 
Love you guys! 
EDITED BY @RavenMalRooney004

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