Chapter 10: Vanilla Flavored Venue

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Jungkook's P.O.V


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July 11th







YG: Min Yoongi
JK: Jeon Jungkook
YG: Hurry up and speak it's 4 in the fucking morning.
JK: It's important.
YG: Considering the time I hope it is.
JK: You remember that guy I talked about who's filling in the spot for my eomma until August?
YG: Oh, you mean the one you said had a high pitched twink voice that complains all the time?
JK: His name is Park Jimin, I told you that.
YG: Yeah but this makes it fun to taunt you.
JK: Haha you're funny. But I need some help... I fucked up.
YG: This is not new.
JK: I kissed him.
YG: You-- what? I thought you basically hated him.
JK: It was in the heat of the moment and I was--
YG: Desperate?
JK: No, I was--
YG: Lovestruck?
JK: I don't even like him. He's only going to be working at the shop for less than a month now. It makes no sense to even start. It'll be a waste of my time.
YG: But you kissed him.
JK: I know and I don't want to go further than that. I can't like him.
YG: Okay, problem solved. You don't like him. What's the issue?
JK: I have an eight-hour shift with him tomorrow. We have to serve at the water bomb festival as a vendor.
YG: Wait tomorrow's Sunday. Isn't that usually your off day or something?
JK: Not this week. My appa seems to think money will smooth it all over.
YG: Wow... You really outdid yourself with this one. I don't see why you can't just tell him to fuck off. It seemed easy before.
JK: Me neither, I just don't wanna fuck up things even more than I have. My Appa and I are just starting to be normal again and I don't want it to come crashing down, because of a stupid mistake.
YG: Well... Good luck with that. I'll be resting peacefully while you contemplate.
JK: Hmph... Night.






After getting off the phone with Yoongi, I sighed loudly and tossed my phone next to me on the bed. I stayed up all night thinking about yesterday's events. The more I continued to dwell on the memory, it got even more complicated. I constantly questioned my mindless actions.
Why did it happen?
I wanted to tell myself that I didn't really know. But I knew I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I knew I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to turn back and stop myself from ever embarking on the decision, and save myself from further confusion down the line. However, what happened yesterday is irreversible and I had to live with it.
This was the first time in a long time where going to work was one of the worst things imaginable. I tried to come up with various ways I could skid away from ever having to discuss what happened again. Unfortunately, I knew it's wasn't going to be easy dodging the infamous question that was now never leaving until it was answered.
Why did I kiss him?
I don't know him at all.
He doesn't know me at all.
I don't care about him at all.
Something about Jimin and I's argument dredged up an unusual sensation I've never had to endure. When I got into arguments it never ended in a good way, and it definitely has never ended with something as intimate as a kiss.
A kiss with a stranger who meant nothing to me--Who means nothing to me.
But I can't seem to get it out of my head.

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