Low Iman

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Salam today I will be talking about low iman. Iman is Arabic for faith and in life we all have struggles and highs and lows. Sometimes we have a high iman other times low and other times a consistent level.  Everyone falls into a negative state especially if life becomes busy and people view praying or reading Quran as a chore which shouldn't be the case. So here are some tips to help deal with low iman and to strengthen your iman.

1. Accept that it happens to everyone: Even to the most pious or who we see as very noble can come to a stage of low iman. Iman fluctuates in life  and having a low iman can happen to anyone so just know you aren't the only one experiencing it.

2. Dhikr:  Allah SWT can guide you from the darkness back to the light. So in your everyday life do dhikr like "Alhamduilah, SubhnAllah, La ilaha ill Allah" etc in your activities. Dhikr is easy to do and you can perform it without bothering others.

3. Do Good Deeds: Any type of good deeds can soften the heart even if it's just a simple smile to friends or family or saying Salam or calling your parents if you live far apart. As well if you are able give charity to a reputable source.

4. Read Quran: Reading the Quran is the best way to cure diseases of the heart. Make wudu grab a cup of tea or coffee and recite with your heart. It doesn't have to be hours even if it's just a page that's better than nothing. Take it slow Allah knows what's in our hearts.

5. Dua: Dua is a great weapon to get what we wish and pray for. Allah loves those who praise Him be thankful for the blessing He has bestowed upon you and sincerely make dua to cure your heart. Ask Allah to ease your difficulties He is always listening.

6. Don't neglect your Salah:  Never stop praying no matter what happens in the world never stop praying. Salah is what separates a Muslim from a non Muslim. Salah is the time where we can truly strengthen our relationship with Allah SWT and ask for forgiveness and ask Him for help.  Salah makes everything easier never let your five daily prayers go.

These are some tips to help you strengthen your iman and InshaAllah this will help you. Especially in this unpredictable time we have some extra time for worship and gaining blessings from Allah SWT let's make the most of it and become better Muslims InshaAllah. May Allah SWT keep us all on the straight path InshaAllah ameen.

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